Volume    2:

1.  D'yer Tak'er

2.  My Knee?

3.  Look

4.  Temptations

5.  Women

6.  In the Pick Up Joint:

7.  Other

8.  Gems

9.  Conform.

10. Love

11. The Dove

12. My Wind -

13. The Bridge

14. To a Temple Door:

15. Promise

16. Ms Princess

17. Listen

18. For Unity

Volume: 3
to the beginning.

'The distance' by Cake

My    Knee

You walk the long walk,
never the short mile.
That's what makes some people special,
it's what gives you your style.
No short cuts or, 
untimely, indiscriminate guesses.
You'll never be found kissing butts or, 
regurgitating all the yes's.

You walk the long walk -
it may take extra time.
It's the way of a man of vision not,
the sprinter of the fine line.
Many get things done fast
and it's usually for themselves.
Pedantic, considerate & stubborn -
you don't do things by halves.

You walk the long walk -
picking up others in need on the way.
No one gets left behind:
They choose to walk away.
Some when they discover there's no free ride;
you're not their horse.
Others, after they've been given the tools,
to complete the arduous course.

You walk the long walk -
a small nation follows.
You don't talk the big talk,
of garbage one just can't swallow
Succinct words of wisdom, 
pithy, meaningful - mother's milk.
All part of the steadfast comfort zone -
the aura for a man of your ilke.

21 January 1997
Robyn Anne Pace

WHO, froze utopia?