~About Me~
My name is Monique,I have been bugging my dad for at least the last eight months or so to help me make a web page,and he finally did------Thanks Dad!!!!!!!!
I have done alot of the typing of this webpage with supervision of my father to make sure I had every thing right.Well it is finally finished after alot of long hours and my dad pulling his hair out...hehehe
It was only natural that I pick something that I Love...It was a toss up between Barbies and Sailor Moon..and you know who won.I have been watching Sailor Moon for almost 2 years now.I remember the first time I seen an episode,I had just gotten up for school to watch cartoons like I did every morning with my dad ,I wanted to something to see if anything else was on instead of the usual boy-related stuff on in the mornings.I was going through the channels when I came across the USA network.I stared in awe at what was on the tv screen.It was the most wicked cool program ever,Sailor Moon...It was about a girl named Serena,who and with the help of her friends battled a thing called the Negaverse.I was hooked from then on,and watch as many episodes as I could.If I couldnt watch them my dad would record them for me and I would watch them as soon as I got home from school.Then the day came I was totally heart broke...it wasnt on.I asked my dad what was going on and he told me they had probably canceled the show..like I knew what that meant.But none the less I was hurt...all I could do was watch the same recorded ones over and over..So life had return to the same old thing watching my brothers cartoons in the morning...yuck!!!!!
Then one day after coming from school my dad told me he had heard the CARTOON Network™ had picked up the rights to Sailor Moon...I cried with joy at hearing this news...finally Life was good again...YEAH!!!!!
So now I am back to doing what I love the most watching Sailor Moon...after all I am only 7!
I have lots of favorite episodes,but the one thats stands out the most is the one where Serena finds out she's really the moon princess...it is hearbreaking and wicked cool at the same time.
Well alot has changed since I wrote in here 2 years ago.. Too much to write about, so I will be brief..I am now almost 9, in the 3rd grade, and loving it(well except the homework part..yuck). Everyone in my family is doing good. I a still watching Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network™. Im still waiting for the american version of Sailor Moon for the playstation..if it will ever come out.
Well thats about for now but I will be adding new stuff on my pages and in here....So as Sailor Moon says.....................................SEE YA!!