Art,   art,   and   more   art....

Okay, okay, okay! I finally have found the time to put a little bit o'something up on this here page! There is actually a lot of art on my site. All of the photos, and most of the computer art are mine. These are examples of what I do when I have a chance to get my hands dirty. Unfortunately, it's only a few things, but you know what? I'm working on it, and there should be more up soon.

Self Portrait

This is a self portrait done in pencil and modified in Photoshop.
Another Self Portrait

This is, obviously I hope, a 3D sculpture. It started out as a wire frame, then the form was built with plaster. I left the back of the head as just wire, and tied silk scarves on for the hair and pigtails. The face and the bust are painted with acrylics.

Portrait of Liz

In my drawing class, we did portraits for a bit. As you can probably guess, this is Liz. The original was in pencil on plain white paper, but, you know...I have this obsession with Photoshop.

Portrait of Melissa

This is yet another portrait that emerged successfully from those grueling hours of being forced to stare at my classmates. This is Melissa. Once again, this was drawn in pencil, on a cream colored paper, I think. Then I fiddled with it in Photoshop. It makes her look quite sunny, huh?

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