Rose burned on Pine

Rose burned on a Basswood egg

miniature of my niece Katie

Roaring Lion, burned on Basswood

Siamese cat on Pine

New colt on Pine

Sleeping kitten

Schipperke and morel mushrooms on a Basswood box

3 Indiana Covered Bridges, burned on Basswood and Pine
Indiana Barn on Pine

Crocodile, burned on Pine

Odds and Ends of Pyrography

Nedstat Counter

Dinosaur skeleton on Basswood

Same box with ZZTOP car


(Donna )
Rural, IN
Write for more information :^)

Copyrite © 1998 by Pyrogite.

Artwork on these web pages is the property of the artist.
You may not copy, modify, reuse or distribute these images
without the express written permission of the artist.