Designing Animals

This year in science we designed our own animals. They had to have their own habitat, camouflage, behaviour and features. They had to be adapted to their environment. It was amazing to see what creatures came out of 2BL imaginations. We had Babushkas, Crabrocks, Daboppas, Mobyvilles, Crabeaters and Kwazibos.

We worked in groups to create informative but funky posters explaining who our animal was. Some of us even made models of them. We then presented them in class and were judged. It was really quite hilarious.


All the subjects in science we have done this year have been very fun. Many of us enjoyed certain topics, but me, I enjoyed the topic of weather. During this topic we learned about what the different clouds were called, and many other interesting things. When I was doing weather in science, I learned a lot. If you did not know, large, puffy clouds are called cumulus, low, thick clouds are called stratus, and high, wispy clouds are called cirrus. We also found out stuff like: high pressure, warm fronts and cold fronts. I found that information and lots of facts about the weather were very interesting. The water cycle and keeping a diary of the different clouds was interesting, even though we had to write lots of stuff in our book.