There are SO many pagan pages out there...if you have come here looking to learn about pagan ways, please see the sites listed under "links" below. Lily and I wanted to do something a little different. I don't particularly like to talk about my religious beliefs. I think of it as a VERY personal matter...However, I did want to have a page of "pagan" things. There are links, of course, we've sifted through some of the many pagan sites for you and picked out some of our favorites. There is also some reading material, taken and adapted to our liking from the web and various non-web pagan sources... This page is frequently updated. Please check back often!
Some reading material...
The Rede, courtesy of the Blue Crescent Coven of the Standing Stumps
The Mother of the Gods and the Father of the Gael
Links to Witch/Pagan personal pages, Magickal Shops, Pagan Zines, Free Pagan Graphics, and more...
Tarot, Magic, Pagan Graphics, stories, and so on...
The skies and all kinds of other stuff, myths, mysterious places, herbs, prophecy...
In the process of being updated, but still an informative site, with a great Book of Days (and nights!)...
More links, and the site of the oldest pagan award on the net!
Coven of the Moon a very informative site
Tons of reading excellent site
The name "Queen Moon" is the translation from the Sumerian of the name of the Great Goddess they worshipped...Inanna. Eileen Holland has an excellent page on Inanna
last edited 8 March 1999
contact Queen Moon
Background courtesy of Cyndy Fenton
"blessed be" graphic courtesy of I don't remember where I got the cauldron, if it was you, please let me know!