Make your screams come true!
When else can you dress up, act totally strange and not get arrested?


My Bro

Jimmy Buffett


Oy, Like Butta!

Sonics and M's

Workin' It


WARD, Psycho Ward! Halloween 1997:
"The name's WARD! Psycho Ward!"

This is the second year that I have gone with a foam latex prosthetic, (provided by "The Screamteam") did my own make-up as well as costume. I won an airline ticket for the best costume at work!

Needless to say I am looking forward to Halloween 1998! I have plans for THREE different costumes:
1. Dress up like a Jimmy Buffett song or a character from one (this is for a party)
2. Go to work on Halloween as "Linda Richmond of Coffee Tawk" and
3. Bring Mr. Psycho Ward out for an encore appearance but go out and enter into a cash winning contest.