Amazon Women of the Anaconda
My friend, Mary Lowe, wrote this in my yearbook last year, but it's too good not to share.
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Once there was a village of young, strong women over 6'0" tall. Science called these women Amazon Women of the Anaconda. Men just called them MASTER. They were the leaders of a society that had women as the dominant species and men as their unyielding sex slaves who were constantly restrained by vines, chains and the hides of animals the women skinned. The men were never allowed to roam or even be unbound except when it was the Amazon Women's desire for team to be of service in the kitchen, Garden, Nursery, or Bedroom. The men never complained. Quite the contrary in fact. They loved their Dominatrisis. They lived to serve the Amazon Beauties' stately tall frame. The fact that they were forced to walk naked around the village on chains behind the women didn't even bother them. Because it was at that time the men would have a chance to parade in front of the Queen of the Amazons, Sara. She was their almighty Goddess and all powerful and dominating figure in the village. The men would salivate over their Goddess and fight ferociously for the chance to be her slave for even just one night. Sara would just laugh at their advances, for she knew they all wanted her. This was true until one hot day many years down the road. On this day there was a shipment of new slaves that came into the jungle village. All were eager to serve, but there was one that was different. He was unruly, restless. He would not take instruction, even when Sara would use her Mighty Whip. No matter what, this male would not be broken. This intrigued the Goddess. She was curious how one could resist her Beauty, Strength, and Power. She feared that if this man did not come around in time he would be murdered by the tribe who would not tolerate disobedience. She decided that she would attempt to tame the wild beast one more time. She brought him to her chambers and began. At first he dominated her, a feeling she was not used to, but she would not give up. However, no matter what he would not let down. Finally in a fit of fury a frustrated Sara dug her knife like claws into his heart & killed him. The moral of the story? No, it's not don't mess with women, it's don't fuck with Amazons!
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