Announcing, "The Coming Of Easter & Spring!" *sounds of the trumpet**crowd cheers*HOOORAY!!! It's here, it's finally here, Spring weather and hopefully it will get warmer as time goes on. WHOO-HOO! I'm happy(Aren't you?),tanning season is almost here(I hope!)! But I am here to create Easter as I see it, SO what season is it? (besides spring!?) Rabbit Season! Duck Season! Rabbit Season! Duck Season! Duck Season! Rabbit Season....FIRE!!!!!!!!!! Fire at will Elmer for it is everyones season in the spring. Right? Well I am not into religious ways of Easter , I like the traditional vintage/antique looks of the holidays(like the 1900's). I actually want to dress up like that for Easter. If I do, I will post up a pic, ok? So sit back and enjoy FIREBIRD'S Easter Celebration.

I have always like to dress up for Easter. I used to like wearing bonnets and fancy little dresses in pastel colors. My favorite was decorating eggs, , not as detailed as that egg, but more colorful. I also liked the scavengar hunts for the eggs and placing the eggs into my basket filled with candy. *hmmmm.....candy....Yummy!* I love the peeps marshmallows , and the cadbury easter eggs........Then Again, WHO DOESN'T???? And I would hop around with the eggs and candy in my little basket with my pretty dress. =( But those days are over and one of these days I intend to walk down 5th avenue in NY and go nuts for Easter, Like I do with this page. :-) Here chicks and bunnies! here chicks & buns, chicks & buns, aren't they cute.....*giggles* Well anyway, I hope you people out there like what you see and it may not be religious, but I know jesus will appreciate this from here to eternity because I do honor him, in just my own way. So enjoy this page while I go and do my bunny hop. anyone want to join me? *giggles* :-) Have fun at the Easter Parade links below, See Ya!!!!

Happy Easter!!! :-)
The Easter Egg Archive
Easter on the Net
Mandy's Easter Web Medly
Animated Gif Archive
Famous Buns of the World
Easter Backgrounds
Christine's Creations
Fantasy Easter
Vintage Easter
Antique Easter
Easter Page 120
Happy Easter
Easter Midi's
Faberge Egg Collection
Faberge Egg E-Cards

Bunny Certifcate # 49
Yeppers, I have adopted a bunny(not real).Her name is Lola Babs Bunny. Cute huh? Click on the certificate to adopt a bunny of your own.

Send me an egg for any comments or suggestions. Thank You!