
Note: Both the Jablow's Indians of Illinois and Indiana and Voeglin and Jones' Indians of Western Illinois and Southern Wisconsin are from the Garland Ethnohistory series. These books were orginally written to determine the lands generally occupied by specific Native American tribal groups in the early historic period. This was done to provide a framework of reference for suits brought by Native peoples against the U.S. Government which had used them so poorly. As might be suspected, the Native people gained little from the suits, but these ethnohistories are invaluable works from acknowledged expert scholars that bring to life people whom for the most part have been forgotten. See if these Garland books are available at your local library or through interlibrary loan. The books are not fancy. The type font looks like something off of an old IBM Selectirc and the lines are double-spaced. But there is valuable information here for those interested in Native American ethnohistory.
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