Hello! My name is Sarah and I am a freshman at Eastern College in Pennsylvania. This page is an expression of who I am and what i stand for. I am a Christian. Therefore, I have Christ in my heart and I am supposed to live according to God's commands. If you are interested in how to become a Christian or want to know more about God's love for you. Please e-mail me and ask questions. I am more than willing to correspond with you and tell you of His good news. Thanks for visiting!! God Bless.


I wanted to take this time to say hello to all my friends and thank them for all they have done for me this semester. I am very grateful that the Lord has put these people in my life. I was struggling with what to do about a room and a roommate for next year and along came my very close friend, Sherie. Without her there would be no page for me to express my faith and myself. She has seen me through all of my moods, bad hair days, rough mornings and FUN TIMES!! She is probably the closest thing that I have to a best friend here. She keeps me sane and i look forward to more FUN TIMES together.

Anyway, there are a couple of guys in Doane that never fail to amaze me. Dave, Chris, Doug and Paul, are the shadiest guys in Doane, but the most fun. Then there is Paul and Eric, my SNL company. These two keep me rolling. There is never a dull moment with the two of them around.

Next I have to mention the boys in "D" ghetto, without them I would probably be stuck sitting in Doane, like the rest of the people that live there. ARob, Shute, Ed, Mease and Jeremy--thanks for putting up with me when I come to visit...you all keep me laughing, Praise God!! To check these wonderful, wholesome, sexy "men" out, just click on the link below.

Jeremy's Page:

There is one person that I forgot when I originally put this page up, Becky, the weather girl. When the sun is shining and people are in good moods, you will always find her appreciating the BEAUTIFUL weather and letting everyone know it.

Well, there you have it my tribute to the people that make my life interesting and worth living. These people have all made an impact on me, no matter how small. I appreaciate everything that they have done for me.

HEARTPRINTS Whatever our hands touch--- We leave fingerprints! On walls, on furniture, On doorknobs, dishes, books, As we touch we leave our identity. Oh please where ever I go today, Help me leave heartprints! Heartprints of compassion Of understanding and love. Heartprints of kindness and genuine concern. May my heart touch a lonely neighbor Or a runaway daughter, Or an anxious mother, Or, perhaps, a dear friend! I shall go out today To leave heartprints, And if somone should say "I felt your touch," May that one sense be...YOUR LOVE Touching through ME...

This is a song by Toad the Wet Sprocket, called "Something to Say." My friend, Doug, who has a really great voice, sang this song at a coffehouse we had here at Eastern. The words to this song really spoke to me. I hope that they will speak to you.

He's got a thing about losing control,
Carries it a mile just to see how far he'll go.
He brushes up his chops as he tries to fake a smile,
A friend indeed, but what I need's someone who'll stay a while,
Someone to stay a while.

(last four lines of chorus)
He drops hints but he won't tell you what's really on his mind, But I know if I look, it's easy to find, He's got a way with his anger, the way he lets it show, Like the smoldering smoke when the fire's left the coals, The fire has left the coals.


And what are you meaning by, "I don't deserve this life?"

His door is always open, he's always got the time, To give a little something even though he gets behind, And your trips become his, and your lives are entwined, But like the horse with the junkie, it's all in your mind, It's all in your mind.


You can take me down, You can show me your home, Not the place where you live, But the place where you belong, You can bend my ear, We will talk all day, Just make sure I'm around, When you finally got something to say.

My Links:

Sherie's Page:
Mease's Page:
bbtop20's Page:
Cheryl's Page:
The Christian Coffeehouse Chatroom:
Christian News:
Christian Webpage:
My College:
Freeze Phraze:
Best College Site:

Sarah Brodsky

Eastern College
1300 Eagle Rd.
St. Davids, PA 19087

This is my new dorm!! I am finally getting out of Doane and moving on to the other side of campus!!


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