Based on The Listeners

"Will I get accepted here?" asked the Hopeful,
In her application sheet;
Her pen continued writing in the silence
Of the summer's sticky heat
And her cat jumped on her college essay
Below the Hopeful's head
And she called into the darkness a second time;
"Will I get accepted here?" she said.
But no one responded to the Hopeful
No head from ivy-covered halls
Leaned over and looked into her brown eyes
Where she stood perplexed and stalled
But only hosts of admission officers
That dwell in the college see
That query from the college application
That so oft repeated plea
Stood reading the many essays from the big pile
That goes up to the high ceiling
Stop to think in an air stirred and shaken
By the frank Hopeful's feeling
And she felt in her heart their distance
Their stillness answering her cry
While her pen moved to end her poem
'Neath the starred and leafy sky
Then she suddenly wrote on the page, even
darker and lifted her head;
"Tell them I wrote, and no one answered
That at least I tried," she said.
Never the least word said the officers
Though every word she wrote
Was so plainly on the paper for all of them
From the girl who wrote the note
Ay, they saw the ink upon the paper
And the hope that they'd accept
And how the waiting is so painful
When all these doubts are kept

This is based on Walter de la Mare's "The Listeners"
I heard this poem in sixth grade, and it sort of stayed with me
So I used it as a bases for a poem of my own