Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Ten
By Kimberly.

Okay, this chapter is kinda short,
and, yes, the ending of the chapter (not the story) is so totally sappy,
but humor me, kay? =)

"Um, yes, Nick is here..." AJ said, annoyed.

"Can you tell him that I love him?"

"Sure, no problem." Ugh, where the hell do these people come from? "You know what? If I see Nick, I'll ask him."

"I heard you broke up with your girlfriend..." The 15 year old girl said, obviously uninterested with Nick at the moment.

"Um, yes, I did..." AJ said slowly, trying to figure out what Kevin would say if he was here.


"Um, cos'... she was just dating me for a Backstreet Boys, not me for me.."

"Omigod, that is the sappiest thing I have ever heard of." The girl scoffed. "Couldn't you at least come up with a better lie? I mean, you obviously found a model to date you instead of a normal person. I met Tayna and she was the nicest person in the world. She said she helped you alot too, unlike that slut of a model you just walked in with-"

"Shut the hell up! You have no right saying that to someone you hardly fuckin' know." AJ bit his lip. Oooh boy, he was going to have to pay for saying that.

The girl looked miffed. "Oh god! No wonder you and Nick fight alot!"

"Look, wether we get along or not is our business, now excuse me, I have better things to attend to." AJ turned and went to find Jennifer.

"What was that about?" Nick asked, when Tanya left.

"She's a fucking bitch! That's like, the 2nd time this has happened!"

"You mean this happened- oh hey, AJ!"

"Hey, god, I just met the fan that came from hell. What a fuckin' snofobitch."

"What she'd do?" Jen asked, still trying to dry the purple stain.

"Well, first she kept asking about Nick, how he was, what he did, oh yeah- she also said she loved you-"

"Aw, how sweet."

"Not very. She was 15 or so, then she started asking me about my ex-girlfriend and then she started insulting me."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Aww, poor AJ-" Nick sarcastically. "You didn't lose your temper on her , did you?"

AJ bit his lip. oops... "Um... yeah, sort of."

"God AJ.... didn't this happen before?"

Jen giggled. AJ looked completely ashamed.

"Hey, what up?"

Nick turned around, surprise. "Oh, hey Kevin!"

"Yo, what up, man?" Kevin asked. "Hey, you must be the famous Jennifer!"

"Hey. You must be....." Jen squinted hard. "Um, Kevin?"

"Yep, the one and only. So you seen B-rok anywhere?"

"B-who?... Oh wait, would that be like a nickname for Brian?"

"Yeah, he was suppose to be here, 5 minutes ago.."

"Oh, where's the other Backstreet dude?" Jennifer asked.

"Backstreet dude?" AJ snickered. "You've got to be kidding."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Dude, people, same thing."

Nick smirked. "It's boys, Jen."

"Noted." Jen remarked, returning the smirk. "Anyways, what's a charity ball do? You stand around while some fag spills grape wine on your dress?"

The rest of the guy laughed, while Kevin looked confuse.

Suddenly Denise McLean, AJ's mom, rushed into the room, face paled. "AJ, guys-" She paused at Jen and smiled weakly. "Brian's in the hospital..."

Chapter Eleven

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