"Chapter 5"

I giggled. It was amazing what Tiffany could sleep through.

I planted some more shaving cream around her neck before she woke up screaming.

I burst into laughter as Tiffany continued screaming as she found out the shaving cream had crept inside her blouse, too.


She never finished her sentence because the next thing I knew someone was pounding on the door.

I quickly opened the door and Nick came in.

“Hey, Melissa, wassup? Did you forget that your party was-” As soon as he saw Tiffany, or what was left of Tiffany after I had shave-creamed her, he started screaming.

Tiffany, seeing THE Nick Carter, started screaming too.

Before long, both of them were screaming and freaking out.

“YOU GUYS!!! What’s the matter with you? This is Tiffany…” I handed her a towel. “And… this is Nick.” I handed him a pen and a piece of paper.

He looked up at me funny and then realized what I meant. He quickly scribbled his autograph down and tossed it to Tiffany.

Tiffany blushed. “Sorry, I just- I didn’t-….. well, no one told me you knew Nick Carter…”

“Don’t worry, it’s all good.” Nick gave his little grins. Frankly, I thought it looked more like a smirk, but I kept my mouth shut.

Tiffany just nodded. I wonder if she was hyperventilating. Gosh, I didn’t know the Backstreet Boys were so popular in the United States. All I knew was that they were on MTV a lot lately.

“So, you wanna come sit down or what?” I motion a spot on the couch for Nick.

Nick cast me a sideways smile. “Thanks.”

“So….. you want anything to drink? Any of you?” I looked at Tiffany. She seemed to have calm down a little bit.

“Well, I have to get home now. Bye Nick.” She grabbed her coat and headed towards the door.

“Bye Tiffany!” I called out. She nodded and walked out quickly. I was suddenly aware that she only had said goodbye to Nick, not me. Well!

“Missa- I mean, MELISSA,” He corrected himself sarcastically. “Will you wipe that smirk off your face?”

I looked at him surprise. I didn’t even know I was smirking. Instead of replying, I smacked him upside the head lightly.

He looked back at me surprised. “What was that for?” If I didn’t know any better, I’d thought I had hurt his feelings.

“Nick! You didn’t even say goodbye to her. She was like, head over heels over you and you didn’t even like… touch her!!” I smiled to show that I was joking.

Nick shrugged. “Sorry. Lots of girls do that to me.”

“Oh, Mr. Modesty, huh?”

“I can’t help it! Girls all over Europe throw condoms and bras up at me and I’m suppose to not develop an ego?”

I sighed. “So what’d you come here for?”

Nick pouted. “Oh, that’s a nice welcome! I drive all the way from Tampa to Orlando and THIS is what I get? Well! See if I ever-”

I giggled. “Shut up, Nick. It’s too early in the morning to be friendly! So, what’s up???”

“Well, since you forgot, I’ll just take my cute littl’ booty and head on-“

I pulled him back before he could go any further. “NICKY!!! What is it??”

“Only Brian can call me Nicky!!” Nick said, obviously mocking me from last night.

I stuck out my toungue. “Fine. Have PMS on me now, why dontcha?”

“Hey! That was uncalled for. And I don’t get PMS, thankyouverymuch.”

I swear, Nick can get so annoying sometimes. “Well??? What did you want to tell me?”

“Okay, ladies, here’s our first contestant, why don’t we tell her what she has won, Bob?” Nick said in this spokesman voice.

I rolled my eyes, but I didn’t say anything while Nick continued.

“Well- Bob was sick today, so I’m Julie-” Nick giggled in a high-pitch giggle and continued talking in a high-octive voice. “She has like, *he giggles like a twerp*, won a brand new- ooh wait, Nick, are you like single?” He turned back to his spokemans voice. “Why, yes, Julie I am. That is very unusual since I am a very handsome man-” Back to his ditsy voice. “I know, Nick-”

I cut him off right there. “Hold it, Nick. Before you go to Dr. Jackell and Mrs. Hyde again, let’s just cut to the chase. Why are you here again?”

“Woke up the wrong side of the bed?” Nick asked sarcastically. “Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted, I came here to tell you to get ready. We’re all taking you out for the boat trip, in case you forgot.”

“Boat? Oh crap.” My hands quickly flew to my hair. Yep, all uncombed and frizzly. “I completely forgot. So, so, so, so sorry. Um, can I take like an hour to get ready?”

Nick pouted. “An hour? C’mon. It’s nothing fancy. There’s this island, and um, my boat. All the guys and me and you, we’re just going to go there, barbeque, have a swim, whatever.”

I smacked him on the arm. “Swimming and you didn’t even tell me to bring a swimsuit?! Good thing I asked.”

“For one thing, you didn’t ask anything, I just told you.” Nick stuck out his tongue triumphantly.

I shook my head. “Whatever. I gotta get ready. Are you going to come back to pick me up? Or you could wait in the living/bedroom.”

“Well, I’m just gonna go to the music store down the street okay?”

“Alright. Be back in half an hour.”

“K, get ready FAST, Melissa.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I headed towards my closet.

Chapter Six
Home Sweet Home
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