Begun in mid-1998, the Little Red Book series (LRB for short) was conceived as a means to bring the words of poets, many of whom I have come to know during my tenure as editor/publisher of the Lummox Journal, to a wider audience. These include several poets from the Southern California area, such as Gerald Locklin, Larry Jaffe, Scott Wannberg, Rene Diedrich, Rick Smith and myself. But the series also features poets with a national rep... poets such as Errol Miller (named the 9th most published poet in the US in a Small Press Review survey), Bill Shields (whose work has been published by 2.13.61 Press) and A.D. Winans (of the "Second Coming").
The LRBs are designed to fit in your back pocket (4.25 inches by 5.50 inches), are reasonably priced (Six dollars ppd) and are hand assembled and distinctively designed to make the owner/collecter proud to include the series in one's library of small press publications.
It is my hope that this series will come to mean quality, both in presentation and, more importantly, content. -RD Armstrong
Other LRBs in production (with publication date / if known):
Lummox Sampler (poems from the LRB series and other Lummox Press books)(May 1999)
Apology to the Idiots by Laura Joy Lustig (July 1999)
Eyes Like Mingus (a collection of jazz poetry - various poets)(July 1999)
Remembering Bukowski by A.D. Winans (a special edition collection of poems dedicted to BUK) (Aug 1999)
A Journey Up The Coast by RD Armstrong (a narrative poem about a recent trip from LA to SF & back) (Aug 1999)
The Inside-Out World of B.Z. Niditch (a collection of poems & stories) (Sept 1999)
Hang Gliding On X by Scott C. Holstad (poetry about insanity) (Sept 1999)
There's Blood on the Floor by normal (a first collection by this nationally published poet) (Oct 1999)
Any Abyss Will Do by William Taylor Jr. (poetry and stories) (Oct 1999)
Maytag Heights (a collection of poetry on homelessness -- to raise funds for Habitat for Humanity - various poets) (Nov 1999)
Me by Hugh/Connie Fox (poetry about a painful transition... from one gender to another!) (Jan 2000)
The Iceberg Theory and Other Poems by Gerald Locklin (poetry from one of the most widely published writers in the Small Press today) (Jan 2000)
The Wren Notebook by Rick Smith (A Special collection of poetry, Rick's first since 1973!) A LRB MASTER SERIES #1 (Jan 2000)
No Earthly Sense Gets It Right by Linda Lerner (poetry) (Feb 2000)
Bourbin Skin by Francis LeMoine & Jacqueline Kras (a collaboration of poems from two new voices) (March 2000)
Blue Collar Work by Errol Miller
Cajun-Flavored Mayonnaise by Rene Diedrich
Apollo's Motorcycle by Frank Lonabaugh
Bombed in New Mexico by Mark Weber & Todd Moore
Highway 49 (a collection of blues poetry - various poets)
"Opening a book by Shields is like pulling a satchel charge. You know the front of yr head is gonna get blown clean off." Todd Moore
"Scar Tissue is Winans at his least guarded best...(he) is one of the greatest of our greats..." Hugh Fox
"He (Scott Wannberg) names the constellations with one vowel tied behind his back." Ellyn Maybe
"The book is solid. I liked it right from the beginning. And it held up & kept me turning the pages. Journey masquerades as a travel book, but it really is a spiritual journey, an archaeological dig for the soul. If that means anything. It's how Journey came across to me. The other thing --- it's strictly low key -- doesn't try to be Song Of Myself or On The Road, tho it certainly comes out of those books. "Ok, that's it. You hit a home run." -- Sundance
"This is a welcome addition to these parts!" Mark Hartenbach, about Eyes Like Mingus
Available NOW! The LRB boxed set #1, 2, 3 & 4! -- get the whole series... OR subscribe to the Lummox Press! Get a book a month for one year for only $44 (save 45% off list price)!
Contact me (below) for more information regarding this series and other Lummox Press projects.
Dutton's Books (11975 San Vincente Blvd. Brentwood, CA, USA Tel:310-476-6263)
Beyond Baroque (681 Venice Blvd., Venice, CA, USA Tel:310-822-3006)
Exile Books & Music (14925 Magnolia Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA, USA)
Siren (4th & Junipero, Long Beach, CA, USA)
A Clean, Well-lighted Place For Books (601 Van Ness, SF, CA 94102, USA)
Modern Times Bookstore (888 Valencia St., SF, CA USA)
A Different Light Bookstore (489 Castro St., SF, CA, USA)
BookSmith (1644 Haight St., SF, CA, USA)
City Lights (261 Columbus, SF, CA, USA)
Cat's Impetuous Books & Stuff (233 1/2 South Water St. Kent, OH, USA)
Water Row Books (POB 438 Sudbury, MA 01776, USA)
COMING SOON to Blue Books in SF on Valencia St!
LUMMOX c/o PO Box 5301
San Pedro, CA 90733-5301
United States