
Farmer CAR NAMES AND THEIR MEANINGS Sin Tax Computer Acronyms all should know A Guide To Disruptive Revolutionary Tactics for
Smithsonian Institution
A Blonde Word Joke Intelligence Test Diary of an AOL User Chain Letter WHAT I LOVE ABOUT WINTER !!
Medical Downloadable Funny Programs Truisms Golf    

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A farmer is sitting in the neighborhood bar getting soused.  A man comes in and asks the farmer,

"Hey, why are you sitting here on this beautiful day getting drunk?"

Farmer:  Some things you just can't explain.

Man:  So what happened that's so horrible?

Farmer:  Well, today I was sitting by my cow milking her.  Just as I got
the bucket about full, she took her left leg and kicked over the bucket.

Man:  Ok, but that's not so bad.

Farmer:  Some things you just can't explain.

Man:  So what happened then?

Farmer:  I took her left leg and tied it to the post on the left.

Man:  and then?

Farmer:  Well, I sat back down and continued to milk her.  Just as I got
the bucket about full, she took her right leg and kicked over the bucket.

Man:  Again?

Farmer:  Some things you just can't explain.

Man:  So, what did you do then?

Farmer:  I took her right leg this time and tied it to the post on
the right.

Man:  and then?

Farmer:  Well, I sat back down and began milking her again.  Just as
got the bucket about full, the stupid cow knocked over the bucket with
her tail.

Man:  Hmmm...

Farmer:  Some things you just can't explain.

Man:  So, what did you do?

Farmer:  Well, I didn't have any more rope, so I took off my belt and
tied her tail to the rafter.  In that moment, my pants fell down and
my wife walked in.....

2nd Farmer Joke

A big-city, New York lawyer went duck hunting with some friends in rural Georgia. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field.
As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing. The lawyer responded, "I shot a duck, it
fell into this field, and now I'm going to retrieve it."
The old weather-beaten farmer replied, "No you ain't. This is my property and you ain't coming over here." The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of
the best trial attorneys in the U.S. and if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own." A small smile lit up the old farmer's
face and he said, "Apparently, you ain't from around here and don't know how we do things here in Georgia. We settle small disagreements like this with the Georgia Three-Kick Rule."
The lawyer asked, "What is the Georgia Three-Kick Rule?"
The old Farmer replied, "Well, first I kick you three times and then you kick me three times, and so on, back and forth, until someone gives up."
The attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the worn-out old codger. The lawyer said, "I agree to
abide by your local custom--and I'll whip your butt, old man."
The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the big city lawyer. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy work boot into
the lawyer's groin and dropped him to his knees. His second kick nearly wiped the man's nose off his face. The barrister was flat on his belly when the
farmer's third kick to a kidney nearly caused him to give up.
The lawyer summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his hands and knees, looked up at the farmer and said, "Okay, you old coot! Now, it's
my turn!"
The old farmer smiled down at the lawyer and quietly said, "No, I give up. You can have the duck!"


AUDI:  Always Unsafe Designs Implemented

BMW:  Big Money Works
              Bought My Wife
              Brutal Money Waster
              Break My Window

BUICK:  Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer

CHEVROLET:  Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips
                              Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On
Luck Every Time

DODGE:  Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere

FIAT:  Failure in Italian Automotive Technology
             Fix it again, Tony!

FORD:  Frigin Old Rebuilt Dodge
               Fix Or Repair Daily
               Found On Road Dead
               Fast Only Rolling Downhill

First On Race Day

GM:   General Maintenance
           Great Mistake

GMC:  Garage Man's Companion
             Gotta Mechanic Coming?

HONDA:  Had One Never Did Again

HYUNDAI:  Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable And Inexpensive...

MAZDA:  Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along

OLDSMOBILE: Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Irregular
Leftover Equipment

SAAB:  Send Another Automobile Back
               Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown.

TOYOTA:  Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto

VOLVO:  Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object

VW:  Virtually Worthless

                       Sin Tax

One day, this man, Tony, died. When he was sent to be judged, he was told that he had committed a sin, and that he could not go to heaven
right away. He asked what he did and God told him that he cheated on his income taxes, and that the only way he could get into heaven
would be to sleep with a 500 pound, stupid, butt-ugly woman for the next five years and enjoy it. Tony decided that this was a small price to
pay for an eternity in heaven. So off he went with this enormous woman, pretending to be happy. As he was walking along, he saw his friend
Carlos up ahead. Carlos was with an even bigger, uglier woman than he was with.  When he approached Carlos he asked him what was going on,
and Carlos replied "I cheated on my income taxes and scammed the government out of a lot of money...even more then you did." They
both shook their heads in understanding and figured that as long as they have to be with these women, they might as well hang out together to
help pass the time. Now Tony, Carlos, and their two beastly women were walking along, Minding their own business when Tony and Carlos could
have sworn that they Saw their friend Jon up ahead, only this man was with an absolutely drop dead gorgeous supermodel/centerfold.
Stunned, Tony and Carlos approached the man and in fact it was their friend Jon. They asked him how is he with this unbelievable goddess, while they
were stuck with these god-awful women. Jon replied "I have no idea, and I'm definitely not complaining.  This has been absolutely the
best time of my life (and I'm dead,) and I have five years of the best sex any man could hope for to look forward to. There is only one thing
that I can't seem to understand. After every time we have sex, she rolls over and murmurs to herself, 'Damn income taxes'!"

A guy comes home from the bar drunk one night around 3 in the morning. His wife is sleeping and he is trying to sneak into bed.  He's laying in
bed for a few minutes and cuts a fart His wife wakes up and asks, "What the hell was that?" He replies, "Touchdown, I am winning 7 nothing." She thinks to herself "I'm gonna fix him." Then she lets one loose. He yells at her, "What was that?" She replies "Touchdown, tie score." Now he thinks, "I'm gonna fix her."  He's laying there for about 10 minutes trying to work one up.  He tries so hard he shits in bed. The wife asks, "Now what the hell was that?" He replied, "Half time, switch sides."

Computer Acronyms all should know:

PCMCIA    - People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
ISDN      - It Still Does Nothing
APPLE     - Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity
SCSI      - System Can't See It
DOS       - Defunct Operating System
BASIC     - Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control
IBM       - I Blame Microsoft
DEC       - Do Expect Cuts
CD-ROM    - Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months
OS/2      - Obsolete Soon, Too.
WWW       - World Wide Wait
MACINTOSH - Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System


A Guide To Disruptive Revolutionary Tactics for
High-Schoolers!! DiGiTaL & ChAoS did them

1. Get a syringe (minus needle) or similar device. Mix both tubes of epoxy glue with a little rubbing alcohol. You now have about half an hour to fill locks, door
jambs, etc. before glue hardens. If you can't get the epoxy glue and syringe a tube of airplane cement can also be used although it is not as permanent.

2. An alternative use for the syringe is to pretend to shoot up while a teacher is watching. If they speak to you tell them you have to do it because school is so

3. Call the school and leave the phone off the hook. The way some (but not all) phone systems work this will tie up their phone for as long as yours is off the hook.

4. Protest U.S. aid to reactionary regimes abroad by defoliating plants around the school or by digging a bomb crater on the front lawn. When the ecology freaks
complain ask them where they were when the U.S. was doing the same thing to Indochina.

5. Draw or paste something 'obscene' on pull-down wall maps or movie screens.

6. Get some of the punch cards that your school uses for taking attendance. Punch new holes in them either with a keypunch machine or a screwdriver. Then switch
the cards with others wherever they are stored. If you can figure out the code the cards are punched by this has even more possibilities. You can often be just as
effective without actually repunching the cards by redistributing them a few days after you collect them (particularly when they're used for attendence).

7. Start an information service to get new students opinions and warnings about the teachers and administrators before enrollment day.

8. Bad food? Have a good old fashioned food riot.

9. In gym classes or in hallways between classes have massive searches for 'lost' contact lenses telling people not to walk through the hall or 'you might step on it'.

10. If your school still has a dress code protest it having everyone do something disruptive that does not violate the code. For example, dye your hair green with
food coloring.

11. Free all the animals in the biology classroom.

12. Write a 'consumer report' on the 'education' you've been consuming. Distribute it to parents at school functions.

13. Periodically have students go to the office to have some rumor confirmed or denied.

14. Perform citizen's arrests of administrators for destroying the minds of youth then telephone the police to come and take the criminals into custody. (This would
be an excellent guerilla theatre action).

15. Rip off dishes and silverware from the cafeteria, towels from the gym, stencils and paper from the duplicating room, layout equipment from the art and drafting
departments, tools from the wood shop, and light bulbs from the sockets. Give them to a needy movement group.

16. During lunch turn on and light all the gas jets in the science labs.

17. Demand to see your school records on file. (Everyone can see them.)

18. You can make a very effective fuse by inserting a non-filter cigarette in a book of matches so that it touches the head of some matches and will ignite them when it burns down that far. Then loosly crumple paper around the matches and cigarettes so that they are hidden. Toss it in a wastebasket or any other area with a lot of papers preferrably in the office. It takes about 5 minutes to ignite -- by then you can be on the other side of the building. Practice this at home before trying it.

19. Have giant coughing or sneezing epidemics in class or study hall.

20. Rub lipstick, glue, vaseline, or shit onto the doorknobs of the school's administrative offices.

21. Swallow some snake bite antidote then walk into the principal's office. The antidote (most types are harmless -- make sure you get that kind) will make you
vomit. Do so all over his carpet, desk, clothing, etc. then apologize profusely.

22. Pick up some dog training liquid at any pet store -- it smells like concentrated piss. And if you can't figure out what to do with that then you shouldn't be reading

23. Remove contents of teacher's mailboxes. Print up everything that's confidential or interesting.

24. Leave notes and hints that 'Tuesday's the day'.

25. Impersonate parental voices and make irate phone calls to the office.

26. Make a super stink bomb out of Hydrogen Sulfide and put somewhere in the ventilating system. This has cleared school buildings for days.

27. If your school has a suspended ceiling (a ceiling composed of rectangles or squares resting on a frame so that the rectangles can be pushed up) you can put a
dead fish -- or anything else -- above them. Or put it into empty lockers and glue them shut.

28. Put signs on your locker saying 'this locker will self-destruct if opened for inspection'.

29. Give your school library a subscription to a good underground newspaper from your area and insist that they make it available to students.

30. Print up false notices frequently using the same format as the school uses and distribute them to the teachers' mailboxes. Eventually they'll never know what to

31. Make your own passes, forms, tickets, etc. or lift them out of teachers' desks.

32. Need a signature? Collect things that have teachers' signatures on them. Paste them all down on a sheet of white paper and either xerox or print up a bunch of
copies. Forge when useful. (When getting started you might put a piece of carbon paper under the signature with the carbon paper facing down on what you want
signed. Then trace over the name with a steady relaxed hand. Practice makes perfect.)

33. Do some revolutionary wall painting. All you need is a can of spray paint (red?) plus a little imagination and courage. Then write your favorite slogans on
walls, sidewalks, blackboards, etc. If you are a perfectionist you can make a stencil, but that limits the size of what you can do. WEAR GLOVES or you will
certainly get tell-tale paint on your spraying finger.

34. Are certain teachers or administrators misbehaving? Print up a rat sheet with their names and telephone numbers and distribute it. Now students can call up at
any time and reprimand them -- 3:00 AM for example. Also you could order them pizzas ... plumbers ... think big!

35. Break into your school at night and burn it down. To get inside you can either hide in the building during the day and wait until the janitor leaves (know in
advance what time that is), or come in later at night and either force your way through the door, find an open window, or break a window (see Monroe
Mindfuck). If you use the latter method do it a few hours or days in advance so you don't get caught if it attracts attention. Be careful not to leave fingerprints --
wear gloves all the time if possible. Once inside make sure the walls will light well by placing loose paper or wood around them, or squirting lighter fluid, kerosene,
or gasoline onto them. If a lot of burnable boxes are stacked in one area spread them around. Start the fire from the inside of the building so it will take longer
before it can be seen from the windows. Make sure the fire has a way to travel from one burnable area to another. Of course you should wear dark clothes and
know exactly where you are going when you split.

36. Get hold of a film to be shown at a school assembly and splice in parts of another movie of your own choosing before the assembly. A little imagination on
your part will make for an unforgettable day.

37. Clog up the drains of sinks with clay then turn on the water after everyone leaves school.

38. Teachers often leave gradebooks, conduct sheets, and attendance records unguarded. Take every chance to help yourself.

39. Put up posters all around the school. To make them stick permanently use Pet evaporated milk for glue.

40. You could ice-pick tires as a warning -- but make sure you have a total enemy before you put sugar in their gas tank.

41. Start wailing in the halls.

42. If you can't find any skunks, let chickens loose in the school ... or pigeons.

43. Create the 'WEB OF THREAD' in your classroom. Have everybody in your class bring a spool of thread -- with extras for people who forget. Tie your thread
onto something and pass the spools around till you run out, winding thread around everything. (It is best to pick on one of your more dullwitted teachers for this one). Expalin that you did it in the name of art.

44. Carry and pretend to sell oregano rolled in papers and aspirin with the name filed off.

45. Put Calcium Carbide (available in some parts of the country as 'Gopher- Go', also available in some hobby and joke shops) in a gelatin capsule and flush down a toilet or sink. Calcium Carbide reacts violently with water, quickly producing large amounts of HIGHLY FLAMMABLE gas and bursting pipes, etc. as soon as the water dissolves the capsule.

46. Ride a bicycle down a busy hall.

47. Save your book reports and essays. Give them to other students to use next year or re-use them yourself with different teachers.

48. Play with lighting and microphone controls during 'important' assemblies.

49. Flush things down the toilets (preferably faculty johns) like balloons filled with air, baseballs, M80's, huge amounts of toilet paper, etc. Then build an ark.

50. Start a campaign to have the letter Z appear everywhere as the mark of angry students.

51. You can short-circuit the school's wiring by taking a regular plug with a short cord attached. Connect the 2 wires with a switch between them. Plug it in, turn the switch on, and you've blown a fuse. Turn it off, pull it out, and try another. You don't have to use the switch, but if you don't sometimes the current will arc and
weld the plug to the socket.

52. Set up a fake school and hire away the lousy teachers -- or put up notices inviting the entire school to a going away party for a teacher who isn't really

53. Read the school budget. Reprint and distribute a list of the stupid expenditures.

54. Take booze to lunch in a thermos and pass it around.

55. During some important test (SAT/ACT/etc. ) on each subject have some student who is good at that subject stand up and read the correct answers for as
long as possible. When they're finished or silenced have someone else stand up and do the same thing. The test results will be worthless and it will have to be given
over at great cost to the school.

56. Take down the American flag in front of the school and put up one of your own. The best way to do this is to lower the flag that's already up replace it with
your flag and cut the rope about a foot below where the flag is attached. Then tie a slip knot around the other end of the rope that is hanging down to raise the flag. At this point there is no way your flag can be lowered without someone climbing up the flagpole.

57. Put alarm clocks in various lockers set on 'loudest'. Set the alarm clocks so they will go off about every 10 minutes then close and lock the lockers.

58. Have a group of people march around the school with a flag singing the Star Spangled Banner. If the administration tries to punish you telephone your local
radio stations and patriotic groups and complain that your school is being run by pinkos.

59. In a class where there is a rule against chewing gum have everyone blow a bubble at the same time one day.

60. Many schools have automatic sprinkler systems which go off automatically when sensors in the ceiling feel too much heat. Find the sensors and hold up a
match to them.

61. Persuade the graduating class to use their senior gift money for something useful or subversive.

62. Reprint School Stoppers Textbook in your underground paper or on a leaflet or buy bulk copies and pass them around.

63. Demand that all equipment being stored rather than being used be made available to students.

64. If your school won't have a teacher evaluation make up some forms and do it yourself. Compile the result and publicize them to students, faculty, school board,
and community.

65. Use your 'free choice' book reports, term papers, etc. to read revolutionary literature and further the political education of you and your class.

66. Have a student lie on the ground. When a teacher comes scream 'he jumped' and point to the roof or third floor window. Mumble 'Fred dared him' or 'Maybe it was LSD.'

67. Make an address list of disliked adults in your school. Answer sex ads for them -- or order them a few gross items (C.O.D. of course).

68. Toss handfuls of BB's on the floors of busy halls, assemblies, graduation ceremonies, weddings, funerals.

69. Steal cafeteria trays or plates, burn large holes in them, and turn them into the school washer saying 'I guess the food did it'.

70. Leave phony letters of resignation from teachers or administrators on the principal's desk.

71. Get a small group to always carry screwdrivers and slowly dismantle the school.

72. Lots of bomb scares tend to break up the boredom especially during exams or on beautiful days.

73. Photograph teachers and administrators constantly -- even without film.

74. If you've got the nerve piss in your pants while giving an oral report.

75. Splice into your school's intercom system (from a remote hidden spot). Now you have your own guerilla radio station. Play on!

76. Drop large bottles of ether in science class.

77. Hang your teacher! Hang a hangman's noose from a tree - make a dummy and hang the dummy from the noose. Pin notes on it like 'Weatherbee in '73.' To add realism put holes in the body then let dilute ketchup trickle down.

78. Newspaper stands in buildings are usually left unguarded. Take out papers and replace with rotten comics or papers.

79. Put a rotten apple or stale sandwich on teacher's desk.

80. If your school intercom has phones that connect into the intercom switchboard, put a small magnet either where the cord comes out of the handset or in the part
where you hear. If the intercom just has a speaker, put the magnet near or on one of the electrical connections of the speaker. In either case it will short out the
system. It may take weeks for them to find the trouble.

81. Take the door of the administration offices off its hinges but leave it standing there so that when the principal tries to open the door in the morning it will have a
slightly crushing effect.

82. Can't figure out what to do with that blinking light that came with your one Pink Floyd album. Sneak into the girl's locker room and hid it behind an air vent in the wall. Then when one of the girls notices the blinking light, they'll think theyr being taped! }:¬]> class dismissed!

If you got any kick azz school strories, send them, and I'll add
them to the list:-)

Smithsonian Institution

The story behind the letter below is that there is this nutball in Newport, RI named Scott Williams who digs things out of his backyard
and sends the stuff he finds to the Smithsonian Institute, labeling them with scientific names, insisting that they are actual
archaeological finds.

This guy really exists and does this in his spare time!'s the actual response from the Smithsonian Institution.
Bear this in mind next time you think you are challenged in your duty to respond to a difficult situation in writing.

Personally, I believe that although this guy really deserves to show up on a 1998 Darwin Awards Nominee list, the world would probably be a
much duller place without him.

Smithsonian Institute
207 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20078

Dear Mr. Williams:

Thank you for your latest submission to the Institute, labeled "93211-D, layer seven, next to the clothesline post...Hominid skull." We have given this specimen a careful and detailed examination, and regret to inform you that we disagree with your theory that it represents conclusive proof of the presence of Early Man in Charleston County two million years ago.

Rather, it appears that what you have found is the head of a Barbie doll, of the variety that one of our staff, who has small children, believes to be "Malibu Barbie."  It is evident that you have given a great deal of thought to the analysis of this specimen, and you may be quite certain that those of us who are familiar with your prior work in the field were loathe to come to contradiction with your findings.

However, we do feel that there are a number of physical attributes of the specimen which might have tipped you off to its modern origin:

1. The material is molded plastic. Ancient hominid remains are typically fossilized bone.

2. The cranial capacity of the specimen is approximately 9 cubic centimeters, well below the threshold of even the earliest identified

3. The dentition pattern evident on the skull is more consistent with the common domesticated dog than it is with the ravenous man-eating
Pliocene clams you speculate roamed the wetlands during that time.

This latter finding is certainly one of the most intriguing hypotheses you have submitted in your history with this institution, but the
evidence seems to weigh rather heavily against it. Without going into too much detail, let us say that:

A. The specimen looks like the head of a Barbie doll that a dog has chewed on.

B. Clams don't have teeth.

It is with feelings tinged with melancholy that we must deny your request to have the specimen carbon-dated. This is partially due to the heavy load our lab must bear in its normal operation, and partly due to carbon-dating's notorious inaccuracy in fossils of recent geologic record. To the best of our knowledge, no Barbie dolls were produced prior to 1956 AD, and carbon-dating is likely to produce wildly inaccurate results.

Sadly, we must also deny your request that we approach the National Science Foundation Phylogeny Department with the concept of assigning your specimen the scientific name Australopithecus spiff-arino.

Speaking personally, I, for one, fought tenaciously for the acceptance of your proposed taxonomy, but was ultimately voted down because the species name you selected was hyphenated, and didn't really sound like it might be Latin.

However, we gladly accept your generous donation of this fascinating specimen to the museum.  While it is undoubtedly not a Hominid fossil, it is, nonetheless, yet another riveting example of the great body of work you seem to accumulate here so effortlessly.  You should know that our Director has reserved a special shelf in his own office for the display of the specimens you have previously submitted to the Institution, and the entire staff speculates daily on what you will
happen upon next in your digs at the site you have discovered in your Newport back yard.

We eagerly anticipate your trip to our nation's capital that you proposed in your last letter, and several of us are pressing the Director to pay for it.

We are particularly interested in hearing you expand on your theories surrounding the trans-positating fillifitation of ferrous ions in a structural matrix that makes the excellent juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex femur you recently discovered take on the deceptive appearance of a rusty 9-mm Sears Craftsman automotive crescent wrench.

Yours in Science,

Harvey Rowe
Chief Curator-Antiquities


A Blonde

A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She
went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do.  "Well, you can paint my porch.  How much
will you charge?" The blonde said "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage.
The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, "Does she realize that the porch goes all the way
around the house?" The man replied, "She should.  She was standing on the porch." A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect
her money.
"You're finished already?" he asked. "Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats. "Impressed, the man
reached in his pocket for the $50. "And by the way," the blonde added, "that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari."


Word Joke

1. Open a new document in Word

2. Type "Unable to follow directions" (without the quotes)

3. Highlight the entire sentence you just typed

4. hit shift-F7 to open the thesaurus


Intelligence Test

Okay folks, this is a good one-just a little mental gymnastics...try it, its pretty cool.  You will be surprised by how many you miss.  good

There are 10  questions, so you should be able to answer them all in 10 minutes.  DO NOT  cheat!  Write each of your answers down, it makes a difference!

1)  Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?

2)  If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long would it be before all the pills had been taken?

3)  I went to bed at eight o'clock in the evening and wound up my clock and set the alarm to sound at nine o'clock in the morning.  How many hours sleep would I get before being awoken by the alarm?

4)  Divide 30 by half and add ten. What do you get?

5)  A farmer had 17 sheep.  All but 9 died.  How many live sheep were left?

6)  If you had only one match and entered a COLD and DARK room, where there was an oil heater, an oil lamp, and a candle, which would you light first?

7)  A man builds a house with four sides of rectangular construction, each side having a southern exposure. A big bear comes along. What color is the bear?

8)  Take 2 apples from 3 apples. What do you have?

9)  How many animals of each species did Moses take with him in the Ark?

10) If you drove a bus with 43 people on board from Chicago and stopped at Pittsburgh to pick up 7 more people and drop off 5 passengers and at Cleveland to drop off 8 passengers and pick up 4 more and eventually arrive at Philadelphia 20 hours later, what's the name of the driver?

1)  All of them. Every month has at least 28 days.
2)  1 hour. If you take a pill at 1 o'clock, then another at 1.30 and
the last at 2 o'clock, they will be taken in 1 hour.
3)  1 hour. It is a wind up alarm clock which cannot discriminate
between a.m. and p.m.
4)  70.  Dividing by half is the same as multiplying by 2.
5)  9 live sheep.
6)  The match.
7)  White. If all walls face south, the house must be on the North Pole.
9)  None.  It was Noah, not Moses.
10)  YOU are the driver.

Grading Scale (out of 10)

10   Genius
9   Mensa Member
8   Engineer
7   Student
6   High school pupil
5   Primary school pupil
4   Teacher
3   College lecturer
2   University lecturer
1   Member of Congress
0   C'mon!

Diary of an AOL User

July 18 - I just tried to connect to America Online. I've heard it is the best online service I can get. They even included a free disk! I'd better hold onto it incase they don't ever send me anther one! I can't connect. I don't know what is wrong.

July 19 - Some guy at the tech support center says my computer needs a modem. I don't see why. He's just trying to cheat me. How dumb does he think I am?

July 22 - I bought the modem. I couldn't figure out where it goes. It wouldn't fit in the monitor or the printer. I'm confused.

July 23 - I finally got the modem in and hooked up. that nine year old next door did it for me. But it still don't work. I cant get online.

July 25 - That nine year old kid next door hooked me up to America Online for me. He's so smart. I told the kid he was a prodigy. But he says that's just another service. What a modest kid. He's so smart and he does these services for people. Anyway he's smarter then the jerks who sold me the modem. They didn't even tell me about communications software. Bet they didn't know. And why do they put two telephone jack holes in the back of a modem when you only need one? And why do they have one labeled phone when you are not suppose to hook it to the phone jack on the wall? I thought the dial tone sounded funny! Boy, are modem makers dumb! But the kid figured it out by the sound.

July 26 - What's the Internet? I thought I was on America Online. Not this Internet thing. I'm confused.

July 27 - The nine year old kid next door showed me how to use this America Online stuff. I told him he must be a genius. He says that he is compared to me. Maybe he's not so modest after all.

July 28 - I tried to use chat today. I tried to talk into my computer but nothing happened. maybe I need to buy a microphone.

July 29 - I found this thing called Usenet. I got out of it because I'm connected to America Online not Usenet.

July 30 - These people in this Usenet thing keep using capital letters. How do they do that? I never figured out how to type capital letters. Maybe they have a different type of keyboard.








August 7 - Why have a Caps Lock key if you're not suppose to use it? Its probably an extra feature that costs more money.

August 8 - I just read this post called make money fast. I'm so exited. I'm going to make lots of money. I followed his instructions and posted it to every news group I could find.

August 9 - I just made my signature file. Its only 6 pages long. I will have to work on it some more.

August 10 - I just looked at a group called I read a few posts and I really believe that AOL should be wiped off the face of the earth. I wonder what an AOL is.

August 11 - I was asking where to find some information about something. Some guy told me to check out I've looked and looked but I can't find that group.

August 12 - I sent a post to every Usenet group on the Internet asking where the is. hopefully someone will help. I cant ask the kid next door. His parents said that when he comes back from my house he's laughing so hard he can't eat or sleep or do his homework. So they wont let him come over anymore. I do have a great sense of humor. I don't know why the rec.humor group didn't like my chicken joke. Maybe they only like dirty stuff. Some people sent me posts about my 56 posts of the joke and they used bad words.

August 13 - I sent another post to every Usenet group on the Internet asking where the is. I had forgot yesterday to include my new signature file which is only 8 pages long. I know everyone will want to read my favorite poem so I included it. I'm also going to add that short story I like.

August 14 - Some guy suspended my account because of what I was doing. I told him I don't have an account at his bank. He's so dumb.


Chain Letter

Try this and don't read ahead it's just a game follow the instructions

This is a little game that has, depending on point of view, a funny and/or creepy outcome.

Don't cheat!

Scroll down, follow the instructions....and don't read ahead!

Just do it in order. It takes about 3 minutes.

It's worth it... It's kinda eerie....

First, Get a blank piece of paper and pen.

P.S. When you are asked to choose names, make sure it's people you


KNOW, and go with your first instincts!

Scroll down one line at a time - don't read ahead or you'll ruin the



1.) First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a vertical column.

















2.) By numbers 1 and 2, write any two whole numbers you want.

















3.) By numbers 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex

















4.) Write anyone's name (like friends or family...) in the 4th, 5th

and 6th

spots. Don't cheat or you'll be upset that you did

















5.) Write down four song titles in 8, 9, 10 and 11.

















6.) Finally, make a wish.....

















And here is the key for the game..








1.) You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game in

(the number in space 1) days in order to make your wish come true.




2.) The person in space 3 is the one that you love.


3.) The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.


4.) You care most about the person you put in 4.


5.) The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.


6.) The person you name in 6 is your lucky star


7.) The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in 3


8.) The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.


9.) The tenth space is the song that tells you most about your mind.


10.) And 11 is the song telling how you feel about life!




The person that sent this to me said their wish came true 10 mins after they read the mail so I thought what the heck.

Make Your wish when the count down is over!!!








































**** MAKE A WISH******




Send this to 10 people within the hour you read this. If you do, your wish will come true.

If you don't it will become the opposite.



December 8:
6:00 p.m. and it's started to snow. The first of the season and the wife and I took our cocktails and sat by the window watching the soft flakes drift down all over the area. It was BEAUTIFUL!

December 9:
We awoke to a big beautiful blanket of crystal white snow covering the landscape. What a fantastic sight Every tree and shrub covered by a beautiful mantle. I shoveled snow for the first time in years and loved it. I did both the driveway and sidewalks. Later a snowplow came through and covered our sidewalk with compacted snow from the street, so I shoveled it again.

December 12:
The sun has melted all of our lovely snow. Oh well, I'm sure we will get some more before the lovely winter is through.

December 14:
It snowed 8 inches last night and the temperature dropped by 20 below zero. Shoveled the driveway and sidewalks again and then the snow plow came by and did its trick again.

December 15:
Sold my van and bought a-4 x 4 Blazer so I can drive in the snow. Bought snow tires for my wife's car.

December 16:
Fell on my ass on the ice in the driveway. All that was hurt were my feelings.

December 20:
Had another 14 inches of the white shit last night. More shoveling in store for me today. The goddamn snowplow came by twice.

December 22:
We are assured of a white Christmas because 15 more inches of that shit fell today and with freezing fucking weather it won't melt till August. Got all dressed up to go out and shovel (boots, jumpsuit, heavy jacket, scarf, earmuffs, gloves, etc..) and then got the urge to piss.

December 23:
I was going to go ice fishing today, but the fucking~g worms froze and I didn't want the fish to break their teeth on my fucking bait! '

December 24:
If I ever catch the son of a bitch that drives that fucking plow, I'll drag him through the snow by his balls! I think he hides aroundd the corner and waits for me to finish shoveling and then comes,d~down the street at 100 miles an hour; throwing that shit all over what used to be my lawn!

December 25:
MERRY CHRISTMAS. They are predicting 20 more fucking inches of this white bullshit. I wonder if they know just how many fucking shovels full of snow 20 inches is .., ASSHOLES! Fuck Santa! He doesn't have to bust his balls shoveling that shit. The snowplow driver came by and asked for a donation. I wrapped up side his fucking:g head with the snow shovel.

December 26:
Guess who the fuck got 28 more inches last night? I must be going blind or getting cabin fever, because the wife is starting to look real good to me.

December 27:
Cock sucking toilet froze. If you go outside, DON'T eat the brown snow!

December 28:
Set fire to the fucking house today. Now I'd like to see that white shit cling to the fucking roof!

Medical Joke

70-year old George went for his annual physical. All of his tests came back with normal results. Dr. Smith said, "George, everything looks great physically. How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with yourself, and do you have a good relationship with God?" George replied, "God and me are tight. He knows I have poor eyesight, so he's fixed it so that when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom *poof* the light goes on, when I'm done *poof* the light goes off." "Wow!" commented Dr. Smith, "That's incredible!"

A little later in the day Dr. Smith called George's wife. "Ethel," he said, "George is doing fine. Physically he's great. But, I had to call because I'm in awe of his relationship with God. Is it true that he gets up during the night and *poof* the light goes on in the bathroom, and then when he is through *poof* the light goes off?"

Ethel exclaimed, "Oh, my God! He's peeing in the refrigerator again!"

Downloadable Funny Programs




Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead.
Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow.
Do not walk beside me, either.
In fact, just leave me the heck alone.
It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then things get worse.
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will
sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Don't squat with your spurs on.
Good judgment comes from bad experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.
A closed mouth gathers no feet.
Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your mouth is moving.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
Don't be irreplaceable; if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
Never mess up an apology with an excuse.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.


A couple went golfing one day at a very, very exclusive course lined with million dollar homes. On the third tee, the husband cautioned, "Honey, be careful when you drive. If we break one of those windows it'll cost us a fortune to repair." Of course, she tee'd off and promptly shanked it right through the window of the biggest house on the course. The husband cringed, "I warned you to watch out... now we'll have to go up there and apologize and see how much that lousy drive is going to cost."

They walked up, knocked on the door, and a warm voice said, "Come on in." When they opened the door they saw glass all over the place and a broken antique bottle lying on its side near the broken window. A man reclining on the couch said, "Are you the people that broke the window?" "Uh yeah, we're sure sorry about that" the husband replied.

"Oh, no apology is necessary. Actually I want to thank you. You see, I'm a genie, and I've been trapped in that bottle for a thousand years. Now that you've released me, I'm allowed to grant three wishes. I'll give you each one wish, and I'll keep the last one for myself." "Wow, that's great!" they both said. "He pondered a mo ment and blurted out I'd like a million dollars a year for the rest of my life." "No problem, you've got it, it's the least I can do. And now you, young lady, what do you want?" the genie asked looking at the wife. "I'd like to own a gorgeous home complete with servants in every country in the world" she said. "Consider it done." the genie said. "And now," they both asked inunison, "What's your wish genie?" "Well, since I've been trapped in that bottle and haven't been with a woman in a thousandyears, my wish is to have sex with your wife." The husband looked at his wife and said, "Gee, honey, you know we both now have a fortune, and all those houses. What do you think?"

She mulled it over for a few moments and said, "You know, you're right. Considering all that, I guess I wouldn't mind." The genie and the woman went upstairs where he ravished her for the rest of the afternoon. Both satisfied each other repeatedly, and afterwards, as the genie rolled over he looked at the wife and asked, Tell me, how old are you and your husband?" "Why, we're both 35 " she responde breathlessly.

"No shit , both 35 years old and still believe in genies.


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