1. Go to the bar in Zeltennia Castle in the northeaster part of the map.Listen to the rumor of the Cursed Island, Nelveska. When you get back to the world map, you should see a path extending to the island to the north. You wont be able to go into it yet, though.

2. Go to Trade City Zarghidas and buy a flower from the flower girl (Aeris).

3. Go to Goug Machine City with Mustadio in your party. He and Basrodio should discover a ball-shaped machine.

4. Go to the bar in Goland Coal City and listen to the Ghost of Colliery rumor. There should be a reward posted.

5. Go to Lesalia Imperial Capital. When you talk with Beowulf, choose the second answer, and he should join your party.

6. Go to Goland Coal City, which should now be an orange or red dot, and there will be four battles you'll have to face inthe underground floors of Colliery. Now , when the fourth battle begins, you will need to protect the Holy Dragon. At the end of the battle Reis the Holy Dragon will join your party and you should receive the Zodiac Stone, which is used to activate the steel ball.

7. Go back to Goug. When you enter the town, Basrodio & Mustadio will be playing around with a machine, which will turn into a violent robot.

8. Go to Nelveska Temple. You will fight the robot and you'll get another Zodiac Stone.

9. Go to Goug again and the time machine is triggered by the Zodiac Stone, which summons Cloud to this world. Now all you have to do is rescue him in the step #11.

10. Fight your brother Dycebarg, and then the monster Adramelk who he morphs into.

11. Go back to Zarghidas Trade City. Your goal is to protect Cloud, who is unarmed, from the same gang that Aeris trouble. You should be able to recruit Cloud if you win.

12. Go to the active volcano at Bervenia and keep walking back & forth until you get into a battle. In this battle, have someone with the Move Item Find skill. Have that person up to the highest rock tower in the battlefield. (Must posses a level 3 Jump or higher)You will receive the Materia Blade. This will allow you to use Cloud's Limit skill. You will be surprised to see all of his limit breaks are from Final Fantasy VII. *Note: Cloud will not be able to use the Limit skills if you do not find his sword and equip it.

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