JaIr AnD TeK/RiDe'S DoMaIn

WE HAVE UPDATED THE PAGE ON MAY 30th, 2001 !!!!!!!!! (finally says tony)

Hello to the people who still look at this page (or have stumbled upon it through google). This is Johnny updating and it's the summer of 2006, nearing the end of July. I just graduated from college down here at LA (UCLA, that is) with a math degree. in terms of future plans, i look forward to simply being happy. not so much about making big bucks (although i'd like to make enough to pay off my loans). Life has been interesting, and coming across a website that tony and i created literally a decade ago is a little nostalgic for me. well an update on tony... he's finishing up school next quarter and will be travelling to europe eventually. i think he plans on moving to new york city, but ultimately, i have no idea what he's really up to. but life is definitely taking us to paths we can't obviously foresee. all in all, there are still elements about us that haven't changed. maybe we've failed to change those parts of ourselves because they're deeply rooted in our identity, maybe not. either way, if you happen to come across this webpage, i think it would be hilarious (but mainly kind of weird) to be updating this page 30 years from now... or even 60-80 years from now.... but do tune in, world, to johnny and tony's website created back in 1996!

Hey, What's Up!?... This is Johnny and Tony's page That Has Been Standing For Hecka Days (Since '96 BABY!). Summer Is Here, So there's A Lot of Time to update the page. I hope you like it. So without further adeu or something... The Page. It's been up for so long, and we will not be deleting any of the old stuff on this site.. we'll make a totally new one, but will link to this old one because it's our pride and joy, and a better record of our past than anything else we know of. loved and lost an dloved again and lost again, and loved again... it's been a lonnnnnnnnnng time.. but it's bright and sunshiny now.

  • We're on top of the world, you and I. We got a lot of time, and it sure feels right, cuz you reached in your pocket and pulled out a pass that says "you can take me anywhere!"
  • It's weird working on this page, you know, because it's been almost forever... but i guess this is the summer i'll finally update, And i'm going to put time into this site, finally! (did you know i wrote this last year of 2000!?)
  • Hey, it's me Johnny, it's been a looong time since i've seen this page... sometimes i forget it exists... but occasionally, you'll see changes, especially if you visit here as little as i do... but i'll try to work on it more, for the people who care, you know...

  • May 30th, 2001 four years later i decide to update my part of this site life is confusing, feelin like a bullet sometimes, just wanna drive through someone's forhead, lol.. i don't know what to say, i'm just scared about life right now, more later!
  • 1997-Hey, life's not a bitch any more! But then you still die. A lot of stuff is going on right now. Well, there's about a month left in this school year, and lemme tell ya, it damn fun. But I'ma miss a few people, cuz I might not ever see em again. Damn, lots of stuff is just really boring. There's nothing to do anymore............................. I'm HELLA BORED. *Well I (Johnny) would like to say, whazUUUUP!*
  • The Page I Tell You My Life

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