Well, the much-awaited Pet-Peeves-Page is finally up.... *grin* I got off my lazy bottom and put it on the Web!

BUT--and this is a big but...which is why it's mine (j/k).... Anyway. BUT--I haven't heard any good peeves yet. Everyone who turns green, gets in my rubbish bin, and grouches, just isn't a good groucher! LOL!

I mean--what kind of grouch is this: "Just wanted to say "hi!"" That's not a grouch! That's...that's.... Why, that's MY pet peeve! Anyway. As an added incentive to send me DECENT, CREATIVE, and POSTWORTHY peeves, the BEST peevers will get on the *gasp* Peevish People Hall of Fame.

Most people's pet peeve is pages that are never updated. Mu ha ha hah ha hah ah ha--this is one of them.

Until then: I await your whinings!