|                       ***** CENTRAL THERA *****                       |
|                       =========================                       |
|                                                                       |
|                                    Temple                             |
|                                   Of Heros           The Void         |
|                                       |               |               |
|                        Moria          +-------- Holy Grove            |
|                          |            |            /                  |
|                          +-- Dwarven  |  Land    Druidic Pathway      |
|                          |   Kingdom  |  Of The      /                |
|                          |            |  Druid \    /                 |
|                          |            |         +--+                  |
| Midgaard ----------------+------------+-----------------> New Thalos  |
|    |                     |            |                               |
|    |  Sands Of           |          Gnome                             |
|    +-- Sorrow - Pyramid  |          Village --- Hobgoblin             |
|    |                     |                        Mines               |
| Miden'nir                |                                            |
|                          |                                            |
|     Ruined ---------+----+-----+                                      |
|     Thalos          |         /                                       |
|       |             |      (Southern Thera)               North       |
|       |          Cursed                                     |   Up    |
|   Cemetary Of    Fields                                     | /       |
|   Winter's Past                                      West---+---East  |
|                                                           / |         |
|                                                      Down   |         |
|                                                           South       |
| * Ravan, the Cartographer                                             |
|                       ***** EASTERN THERA *****                       |
|                       =========================                       |
|                                                                       |
|                                          Elemental                    |
|                                           Planes                      |
|                                             /                         |
|            (Northern Thera)                +                          |
|                   |                        |                          |
|                   |      Ghost             |                          |
|                   |      Town  Redelof     |                          |
|                   |        |    |          |                          |
| (Central) --- New Thalos --+----+--- Dragon Sea         Revelton      |
|  Thera            |                (Ships sail here)       |          |
|            Eastern Desert                  |               |          |
|                   |                        +------------Arcadia       |
|                   +-- Realm of the                                    |
|                  /       Djinni                                       |
|             Underground                                  North        |
|               Shadow                                       |   Up     |
|                /                                           | /        |
|             Temple                                  West---+---East   |
|             Of Kyre                                      / |          |
|                                                     Down   |          |
|                                                          South        |
| * Ravan, the Cartographer                                             |
|                       ***** NORTHERN THERA *****                       |
|                       ==========================                       |
|                                                                        |
| Valley Of                                                              |
| The Elves        New Ofcol              Land Of        Fortress of     |
|    |                 |       Baeon's  Incantation         Torment      |
|    |     Forest      |        Tower        |                |          |
|    |     Canopy      |          |          +-+--- High Seas |          |
|    |       /         |          |            |        |     |          |
|    +------+----------+----------+------------+        +-----+          |
|           |          |                       |                         |
|           |        Ruined                    +-- Elven                 |
|           |        Castle                    |    Fort                 |
|           |                                  |              North      |
|           |                                  |                |   Up   |
| Merchants +-- Grilliams                      |                | /      |
|   Fair ---+    Tavern                        |         West---+---East |
|           |                                  |              / |        |
|       Midgaard                           New Thalos    Down   |        |
|                                                             South      |
|                                                                        |
| * Ravan, the Cartographer                                              |
|                  ***** SOUTHERN THERA *****                  |
|                  ==========================                  |
|                                                              |
|    Tomb Of  --------+                                        |
|  The Ancients       |                                        |
|                     | (Central Thera)                        |
|        Sanctuary    |/                                       |
|        of Terror  +-+-------+------------- Wyvern's Tower    |
|               |  /  |       |                                |
|               | /   |       |   Weglik    Ogre               |
|               +     |       |   Village  Village             |
|              /      |       |      |      |                  |
|        Aldocar  Elemental   +------+------+                  |
|                  Canyon     |                                |
|                             |                                |
|                 Bandit's    |                                |
|                   Lair      +                                |
|                    /       /                    North        |
|                   +-------+                       |   Up     |
|                          /|                       | /        |
|                    Ice  / +-- Ice Palace   West---+---East   |
|                  Caverns  |                     / |          |
|                           |                Down   |          |
|                         Frigid                  South        |
|                       Wastelands                             |
|                           |                                  |
|                           |                                  |
|                       Mahn Tor                               |
|                                                              |
| * Ravan, the Cartographer                                    |
|                       ***** Western Thera *****                          |
|                       =========================                          |
|                                                                          |
|          Shadow              Smash                                       |
|       +-- Cult              Mountain             Lord Aviston's          |
|       |                        |      Arachnos       Manor               |
|    Darkenwood                 Orc       |              |                 |
|           |                Stronghold   |   Druidic    |  Shire          |
|           |                    |        +   Pathway    |    |            |
|      Quarterstaff      Dragon  |       /       |       |    |            |
|           |             Tower  |      +---- Haon Dor --+----+-- Midgaard |
|           |               |    |      |                         (CENTRAL |
|           +- Labyrinth  Shadow Grove  |                   High    THERA) |
|           |                   |       |                   Tower     |    |
|           +-----------------+-+-- Old Marsh                 |       |    |
| Averni    |                 |         |                   Shadow    |    |
| Troll    Averni -- Troll    |         |               +-- Grove     |    |
|  Den     Forest    Den    +-+         |              /        |     |    |
|   |          |           /  |     Temple Of      Kaladar     Miden'nir   |
|   |        Amyshor    Abyss |      Villians                    |         |
| Claymont -- Woods           |                                  |         |
|                    Baeon's -+----------------------------------+         |
|                   Cathedral                                              |
|                                      North                               |
|                                        |   Up                            |
|                                        | /               TO              |
|                                 West---+---East        CENTRAL ==>>      |
|                                      / |                THERA            |
|                                 Down   |                                 |
| * Ravan, the Cartographer            South                               |