Just a few days ago, Arathorne approached me and we had a good long chat about the clan system in DB2. A lot of proposed changes came up and I thought I'd post them so everyone can stay up to date. Note that these are only proposed changes, they are not yet set in stone and they may or may not be implemented but this should give a rough idea of how clans will shape up.
If you've ever used Bruno's Arena, that is similar to how clan halls are intended. Clan members will type something along the lines of transport to the guard, and will be transported to the room just inside the entrance. Enemies however will have to beat their way through the guards to get a key for the door, the same way as they do now.
When it is coded, clans will be able to choose which other clans are their allies, enemies or are neutral towards them. Once this is done, allies will be allowed to 'transport' past the guards into the clan hall. The guards will shout at the approach of a someone from a clan which is neutral toward yours, and the guards will attack enemies on sight.
Rather than having the one-way exits to the market square or temple square of a town, these exits will take you to the front of the hall, at your gate guard. So you'll want to take that into consideration when planning the entrance of your clan hall. We will probably still be able to buy additional portals for the hall but these other ones will be random only.
The 250 mob kills per member was only a trial and they've agreed to lower that, I'm not sure what the new amount will be. Gold has been reintroduced for certain lesser purchases and I think the relevant helpfiles have been updated with the gold prices. Also the prices will be increased and stretched out according to how important and beneficial the addition will be to the clan.
If a clan member dies, they either lose 15 mkills or 15% from the total. (Arathorne wasn't sure which it was). The Imms can now take away clan points and take away from the clan bank account if members break the rules.
Check out the room purchases helpfile, it's got some new things in it.
Arathorne is officially the clan Imm, so if you have any changes to your clan's helpfile, if you see changes that should be made to the helpfiles regarding clans, or if you want to start a new clan, he's the Imm to see.
Rank 2s may hopefully be getting more power soon; the ability to promote/demote up to rank 3, and if you so wish, they can be authorised to organise and pay for clan hall purchases.
Clan taxes may be introduced. Something along the lines of 1 silver per member per tick. Not a great deal but enough that clans will have to keep active or they'll lose their clan.
Nothing to do with clans but... a couple of new remort skills are in, look out for them, I won't spoil the suprise.
That's about it at least for now so, at least from my point of view, clans seem to be shaping up quite well. And if we can get all the bugs and flaws beaten out of the code, and everything perfected, hopefully it can be posted on the net. Apparently there's no ROM code like it so far so that'd be a good boost.
If you have any questions, you can perhaps email me and I may be able to clarify, or get in contact with Arathorne since he's the clan Imm and he should be able to help you out.
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