Internal Rate of Return in Environmental Decision-Making Highlights

(Project Description Expected September 1999)

Background. The IRR is Okay thesis was submitted to US Environmental Protection Agency and the National Science Foundation February 1, 1999 in response to their solicitation on Decision-Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy (DMVEP). Expect he proposal and reviews starting here when it is accepted or rejected--roughly September 1999.

Introduction. This Project Description, including the two special sections was submitted in three parts.

Statement of Work (SOW). This proposal is submitted in response to EPA/NSF solicitation on Decision-Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy (DMVEP):

Objective. The overriding objective of this proposed research is to determine the extent to which a Relevant or Revisited Internal Rate of Return (RIRR) might enhance current and upcoming EPA programs and analyses. (RIRR is used to distinguish the proposed IRR algorithm from the traditional "IRR.")

Reviews. (Links go here.)

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