Sacrifice has always been a part of military life. We believe that
sacrifice is a part of the price for living in the greatest nation on
earth. However, it is important that all groups give equally for our
nation. Our contribution has become an unfair requisition. We are the
subject of unfair discrimination. The retired civilian federal
government personel have good medical coverage. WE DO NOT. Those who are 65+
have been pushed onto Medicare and the hope is that they will just go away.
They do not intend to go quietly.
Army Recruiting Brochure,"Superb Health care, is provided to you and your family members while you are in the Army, and for the rest of your life if you serve a minimum of 20 years of active Federal service to earn your retirement[RPI 909, November 1991, U.S.G.P.O. 1992 643-711]
Life in the Marine Corps, p.36 "Benefits...should you decide to make a career of the Corps, the benefits don't stop when you retire. In addition to medical and commissary privileges, you'll receive excellent retired pay..."
Guide for Educators and Advisors of Student Marines,p.35. "Retired Marines are generally eligible to receive any type of health and dental care at those facilities provided for active duty personnel.
Navy Guide for Retired Personnel and Their Families,p.51. "Covered under the Uniformed Services Health Benefits Program (USHBP) are retired members, dependents of retired members and survivors of deceased active duty or retired members. This care is available anywhere in the world either in a uniformed services medical facility (meaning Army, Navy, Air Force, and certain Public Health Service facilities) and under the part of the USHBP called CHAMPUS." [NAVPERS 15891D November 1974]
The Blue Jackets Manual, p. 257. "What Navy Retirement means to you - pay. Continued medical care for you and your dependents in government facilities.". [1969]
Air Force Preretirement Counseling Guide, Chapter 5 Medical Care 5-2f. "One very important point, you never lose your eligibility in military hospitals and clinics," [1 April 1986]
Air Force Guide for Retired Personnel, Chapter 1. "Treatment author ized. Eligible retired members will be furnished required medical and dental care." [1 April 1962]
Hearings on CHAMPUS and Military Health Care, HASC No. 93-70, 93rd Congress "...the government has a clear moral obligation to provide medical care to retired personnel and their dependents... this Committee has found numerous examples of recruitment and retention literature which pledged...medical care for the man and his family following retirement." [Oct-Nov 1974]