Jack: It's a good idea!
Spot: I say....dat what you say.....is what I say.
Kid Blink: Dey jacked up da price! Did ya hear dat, Jack? Ten cents a hundred! It's bad enough we gotta eat what we don't sell. Now dey jacked up da price! Can ya believe dat?
Jack: For a dreamer, night's the only time a day.
Spot: If it ain't Jack-be-nimble, Jack-be-quick?
Dave: Are we an important story?
Kid Blink: Tell `em, Jack!
Jack: What'd being a Newsie evah get me, but a dime a day and a few black eyes?
Dave (to Jack): Couldn't stay away? Jack: Naw. I can't be somethin' I'm not. Dave: What a scab? Jack: Naw. Smart.
Jack: How can ya be sure da Delancy's stink? It's just the way t'ings woik, ya know? An orphan gets arrested. Snyder makes sure he gets sent straight here, so he can rehabilitate him. The more kids in The Refuge, the more money the city sends to take care of `em, the more Snyder sticks in his pocket. He's here.
Spot: I object your Honor. Judge Monahan: On what grounds? Spot: On the grounds of Brooklyn.
Jack: that's the foist thing ya gotta know. Headlines don't sell papes. Newsies sell papes.
Race: Look at dis. Baby born wid two heads. Must be from Brooklyn.
Specs: Baby born wid tree heads!
Race: It's a rigged deck an' dey got awl da marbles.
(and my all time favorite. Any real Newsie fan will know this one) Jacky just got laid! (I think Mush says it)
Spot: I've been heain' things from little boids. Harlem. Queens. All ovah. Jack: Yeah? An' what they been tellin' ya? Spot: Dat Jacky boy's Newsies is playin' like they goin' on strike. Dave: But we ani't playin'. Spot: Yeah? Yeah? What is this Jacky boy? Some kind a walkin' mouth?
Jack: When ya got nothin', ya got nothin' ta lose.
Bodine: (to Brock Lovett) I did a background on this woman all the way back to the twenties when she was working as an actress. An actress! Threre's your first clue, Sherlock! She was Rose Dawson back then. She marries this guy Calvert, moves to Ceader Rapids and punches out a couple of kids. Now Calverts dead, and from what I hear Ceader Rapids is dead. Brock Lovett:(to Bodine) Yeah, and everybody that knows about the necklace is suppose to be dead or on this boat, but she knows.
Bodine: (to Lizzy Calvert) That means that if your Grandmother is who she says she is, then she was wearing the necklace the day the Titanic sank. Lovett: (to Old Rose) And that makes you my new best friend.
Jack: I saw that in a nickelodeon once and I've always wanted to do it.
Rose: Teach me to ride like a man. Jack: And chew tobacco like a man. Rose: And spit like a man!
Jack: Open the gate. Open the gate right now!
Jack: (to Rose) You're so stupid, Rose. Why'd you jump, huh? Rose: (to Jack) You jump. I jump. Right? Jack: Right.
Jack: I've got ten dollars in my pocket and nothing to offer you, and I know that. I understand.
Rose: You unimaginable bastard!
Old Rose: Titanic was called the ship of dreams, and it was. It really was.
Old Rose: It was the ship of dreams to everybody else, but to me it was a slave ship taking me back to America in chains. OUtwardly I was everthing a well brought up girl should be, but inside I was screaming.
Rose: You have a gift, Jack. You really do. You see people. Jack: I see you. Rose: And? Jack: You wouldn't have jumped.
Rose: Have you heard of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay? I believe that his theroy on the male preocupation with size might be of interest to you.
Thomas: Peter! Swing Heil!
Peter: You're not a murder, Thomas. you're not like them.
Thomas: Let's see how you do when you're not fighting a cripple?
Thomas: Do you want me to repor.....
Peter: If you side with the Nazi's, Thomas, then we're at war.
Thomas: It don't mean a thing it ain't got that swing. Do Ah Do Ah Do Ah!