Copyright 1998 by Walter G. Green III
Our previous sessions have set the stage to look at current thought about how we manage modern organizations. If we accept that management means getting things done through and with people, it seems logical that management and leadership (a people and vision process) are closely related. Modern management theories have tended to include the importance of the effective integration of the individual worker, the individual manager, and the organizational environment as the basis for organizational and individual success.
At the end of this session each student will be able to:
(1) Apply the linking elements concept to a situation in the student's emergency services or other organization.
(2) Describe and select appropriate options for improving individual performance.
(3) Plan for the use of communications techniques as part of leadership and management.
(4) Describe how a management by objectives process could be applied to his or her organization.
During this session, read the following material:
(1) Chapter 4: Modern Management Theory in Carter and Rausch MANAGEMENT IN THE FIRE SERVICE.
(2) Chapter 5: Management by Objectives in Carter and Rausch MANAGEMENT IN THE FIRE SERVICE.
Everyone answer three of the following five questions (one E-mail to the Listserver per question, and make sure you include a subject line that identifies which questions you are answering). You may answer them in any order you wish. Remember also to read and comment on at least two answers to questions by your fellow students.
(1) Describe the motivational climate in your organization and suggest at least two ways in which it could be improved.
(2) What options could you employ in your organization to improve organizational and individual competence? Or what options would you suggest would be appropriate for your organizational leaders to employ?
(3) Assume you are a manager, leader, or supervisor in your organization. What techniques could you use to improve the current communications environment? Why? And what are critical issues that need the application of improved communications?
(4) Does your organization use a form of management by objectives, either operationally or for administrative management? If so, describe how it is used. If not, suggest and describe an application in which this approach would work in your organization.
(5) In emergency services organizations what should be the ballance in setting objectives between individual members, mid level officers, and senior leadership? Should this be different for volunteer agencies than it is for paid ones? If so, why? If not, why not?