Partial Powers

This is the partial power system for the Puppeteers Amber PBeM Campaign.

In order to buy a power, you must first have bought each level above it. For example, if you wanted to buy the ability "Hellride", you would have to have: Pattern Imprint (10pts), Shadow Walk (5pts), Hellride (3pts). So, you would pay 18 points for the ability to Hellride, or 20 points to be able to Hellride and to take the Royal Way. Broken pattern is as per Shadow Knight rulebook.

Basic Pattern Imprint (50pts)

      Pattern Imprint (15)
          Shadow Walk (5)
              Leading Others (3)
              Royal Way (2)
              Hellride (4)
                  Locate Object in Shadow (3)
              Shadow of Desire (4)
          Affect Probability (7)
          Pattern Defence (7)
          Blood Curse (0)

Advanced Pattern Imprint (75pts)

      Basic Pattern Imprint (50)
          Mindwalk Pattern (3)
              Pattern Lens (5)
              Pattern Edit (3)
                  Shadow Rules (2)
                  Shadow Pockets (2)
                  Erasing Shadow (2)
              Pattern Travel (5)
              Pattern Recognition (3)


Logrus Mastery (45pts)      

      Traverse Logrus (5)
          Summon Logrus (5)
              Search for Object (2)
                  Bring Object to You (5)
                  Drag Self to Object (5)
              Logrus Tendril Manipulation (7)
              Logrus Sight (6)
              Spell Racking (5)
              Logrus Defence (5)

Advanced Logrus Mastery (70pts)

      Logrus Mastery (45)
          Manipulate Shadow (8)
          Summon and Control Creatures of Chaos (5)
          Shape Logrus Servant (5)
          Summon Primal Chaos (7)


Trump Artistry (40pts)
      Trump Identification (5)
          Sketch Trump (15)
              Draw Trump (5)
                  Draw Trump From Memory (3)
                      Draw Trump From Description (2)
                  Trump Defence (5)
                  Sense Trump (3)
                  Create Trump Powered Artifacts (2)

Advanced Trump Artistry (60pts)

      Trump Artistry (40)
          Trump from Memory (7)
          Trump Gate (3)
          Trump Tricks (10) -> These are as agreed between Player and GM and          
                                 include those listed in the Amber DRPG book. 


Basic Shapeshift (20pts)

      Automatic Shapeshift (10)
          Primal Form (5)
          Demon Form (3)
          Avatar Form (2)

Shapeshift (35pts)

      Basic Shapeshift (20)
          Controlled Shape Shift (5)
              Shapeshift Wounds (2)
              Shapeshift Body Parts (0)
                 Soft Tissue (1)
                   Cartilage (1)
                      Bone (1)
              Shapeshift to Animal Form (4)

Advanced Shapeshift (60pts)

      Shapeshift (35)
          Shapeshift Features (5)
              Shapeshift Persona (5)
                  Shapeshift Aura (5)
              Shapeshift Internal Structures (5)
                  Shapeshift Animal Abilities (5)

Shapeshift Others (65pts)

      Advanced Shapeshift (60)
          Shapeshift Others (5)


Sorcery (15pts)

      Basic Spells (5)
         Create New Spells (5)
            Rack Spells (3)
               Use Lynchpins (2)

Conjuration (20pts)

      Basic Conjuration (5)
         Conjure Shadow Shape (3)
            Complex Conjuration (5)
            Empowerment (5)
               Permanent Empowerment (2)

High Compelling (25pts)

      Conjuration (20)
         High Compelling (5)