Appreciation of a Mother

On Our Mother's Seventy-Fifth Birthday - Copyright Brian Ritchie, 1998 All Rights Reserved

When a boy is young, he likes to think that he is most like his Father. He is proud of the strength and wisdom that his Father possesses. For me, it was not until later that I realized that many of the great wisdoms that were offered up to us were those of our Mother’s.

As in many unions, the combination of the values of both our Mother and Father formed an even richer set of principles with which we can guide our lives. The result was a set of similar yet contrasting morals that weave together in a subtle but powerful harmony.

My Father showed us how to work with our hands and build things of value. My Mother taught us to clean up after ourselves and value the things that were made for us.

My Father told us to stand tall and proud while my Mother taught us to swallow our pride when it strains relationships with others.

My Father told us that we could do anything we wanted while my Mother taught us to be happy with what we had and how to ask for help when we needed it.

My Father taught us how to have vision and dream and my Mother taught us how to have faith in our dreams so they would not fade from our vision.

My Father taught us how to play to win and my Mother taught us how to play for fun, to win graciously and lose with dignity.

My Father showed us that it was okay express our emotions openly while my Mother showed us which emotions were worthy of expression.

My Father taught us to work hard for the things we wanted and my Mother taught us to give them away to people who needed them.

My Father taught us to have the conviction to say what’s on our mind. My Mother taught us to say what was in our heart.

My Father did teach me on thing that stood on its own; he taught me, "Above All, respect your mother!"

The fact that I can state and understand these morals is not to say that I have mastered them. In fact, stating them is the easy part, living them is tough. Had it not been for such a great role model, I might have said that it was unreasonable to expect that people could live their lives with such balance. I am fortunate beyond words to have had the luxury of being taught by the best.

Thanks for your lessons, your faith and your love,
