Aknowledgements and Bibliography
I am deeply grateful to the Capatti family of
Mr. Renzo Capatti, Mrs. Bruna Capatti and Mrs. Berta Capatti, who
provided me with plenty of information and
allowed me to write these pages.
I wish to thank Mr. Giovanni Guasoni, who kindly showed me the spot
where Nino crashed so many years ago. Special thanks
to my friend Gian Luca Bianchini,
whom I dragged with me in my country rambling.
Mr. John Carr,
Mr. Michael Colangelo,
Mr. Giovanni Massimello and
Mr. Patrick Tobin
proofread these pages and improved them with their comments and
suggestions. Mr.
Ferdinando D'Amico
clarified the meaning of "Alcione" and the events
surrounding Nino's death. He also provided three more photographs of
I am greatly indebted to Mr.
Michael D. Trout
of Albany, N.Y., who carefully
edited this document and generously contributed in terms
of information and numerous remarks.
Umberto Postiglioni, Andrea Degl'Innocenti,
Colori e Schemi Mimetici della Regia Aeronautica, 1935-1943,
CMPR GAVS GMT, Trento, 1994.
Nino Arena,
Air War in North Italy, Stem Mucchi, Modena, 1975.
Christopher Shores, Regia Aeronautica Vol. 1 , Squadron/Signal
Publications, Inc., Carrollton, Tex., 1976.
F. D'Amico and G. Valentini,
Regia Aeronautica Vol. 2 , Squadron/Signal
Publications, Inc., Carrollton, Tex., 1986.
John W. R. Taylor, Combat Aircraft of the World,
G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1969.
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