RockSoc Hall of Fame

Welcome to the RockSoc Hall of Fame, wherein we pay homage to those people (or things in some cases) we feel deserve your unadulterated worship because, quite simply, they ROCK!
If anyone has any nominations for inclusions on this page, E-Mail the commitee (or put in your plug in person when we're at the bar - a pint or two can help sway your case considerably!)

"Alright, She-Bitch - Let's go" - Ash, the hero of the Evil Dead movies - Groovy.

"Snoochie Boochie Noochies!" - Jay & Silent Bob from Clerks/Mall Rats/Chasing Amy - the guys to see if you want a fatty boom-batty Blunt.

"Feck! Drink! Arse! Girls!" - Father Jack (and the rest of the cast of Father Ted)- Your average, everyday Irish clergymen.

"You Killed Kenny - You Bastard!" - The Cast of South Park - The best cartoon since the Simpsons

"Mmmmm... Doughnuts" - The Simpsons - 'nuff said.