Welcome!!! The purpose of the list is to chat about Russell Crowe, one of the best actors around today. It's a fun place where we share information on new projects, articles, tv appearences, etc. that involve Mr. Crowe.
All I ask is that if you subscribe, please respect everyone else on the list. Healthy debate is fine, but I won't tolerate personal attacks. Nice people need only subscribe!
If you are just passing by, and you have no idea who he is, please visit the links below to find information on this very talented actor. If you are already a fan, I think you will enjoy being a part of this mailing list. :-)
Please see below on how to subscribe to the mailing list, and the mailing list digest:
*UPDATE* Way back in the day I started a mailing list called Crowefans, later on we merged with the Crowepeople mailing list. While I have not been an active participant/list moderator for many years, I believe it's a great list and Russ fans should check it out! This is why I still keep this page active, to pass along info. Some of the links below may not work, but give 'em a try. I will update them soon.
Here is the most recent mailing list information:
The Crowepeople mailing list has moved.
To subscribe, please visit the Crowepeople homepage at Yahoo.
You can contact the list moderator at CrowePeople-owner@yahoo.com.
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If you have any questions about this page you can contact me at gelebene@aol.com.
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Links to some great sites, Crowe and otherwise...
Something to Crowe About!: lots of stuff, nice pics, and even a chat link
Halle's Russell Crowe Page: info, pics, and sound clips
30 Odd Foot of Grunts: official home page Russell Crowe's band
The Crowe's Nest: a great site with latest news, a message board, and even Russell's astrological profile!
L.A. Confidential: an unofficial site for the movie
Playback: The Ralph Fiennes Web Page: pics you can't find anywhere else
The Ralph Fiennes Reading Room: lots of articles on the other best actor in the world!
Ralph Fiennes: a site with new movie pics, and latest news
MOONDANCE: Please visit my store!
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