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AlertoMast is a handheld electronic mastitis detector.  It works by just squirting a few drops of milk into a funnel-like container.  Readings are provided by a green, yellow, or red light.  Even inexperienced users have no problem using AlertoMast.

Initial tests have proven that AlertoMast is more sensitive than anything else on the market.   Typically, AlertoMast gives you 5 to 10 days warning before mastitis becomes evident by other methods.

Today's dairy managers need the security of early mastitis detection.  Now, with the development of the AlertoMast, this is possible.  This handy device electronically detects mastitis long before symptoms are apparent.  In the very early stages of this disease, the electrical conductivity of the milk increases.  AlertoMast gives the dairy operators an immediate and accurate reading of the electrolyte content.

Modern technology replaces the strip cup and CMT test with AlertoMast.  There is no need for a laboratory milk analysis.  AlertoMast can indicate the presence of sub-clinical mastitis in any particular quarter.  Other tests are not this specific.

Mastitis is a costly enemy of every dairy farmer.  With AlertoMast, you can defeat this enemy and save yourself a significant amount of money each year.  Your herd's health is of vital importance.  Routine use of the AlertoMast will provide you with the precise information you need to keep your herd in prime condition.

AlertoMast is ready to use.  A few drops of milk are squeezed directly from the quarter into the AlertoMast.   AlertoMast is automatically activated as soon as the milk sample is squirted into this instrument.  No ON/OFF switch is necessary.  AlertoMast automatically turns itself on.

AlertoMast's readout is immediate.  It takes only one second to do each reading.  Readings also change automatically from one quarter to the next.  There is no need for dumping or rinsing between quarters.

AlertoMast provides precise monitoring. Five lights indicate milk quality from normal (green light) to minor sub-clinical infection (yellow light) to a strong mastitis infection (red light).

AlertoMast is rugged and reliable.  It is waterproof and durable.  AlertoMast is made to survive for a long time in any climate.  It is powered by a regular 9-volt transistor battery.   AlertoMast is designed to provide a long battery life.  When needed, the battery is easily replaced.

An in-line version of AlertoMast will be available soon.  It will warn of approaching mastitis as the milk passes through the line in the milking parlor.  The handheld AlertoMast can then be used to isolate the problem to a particular animal and quarter.

AlertoMast sells for $245 plus shipping and handling for either the handheld or in-line version.  Invest in your herd's health with AlertoMast.

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