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BirthAlert User Manual

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BirthAlert was invented by Mr. Les Smith to solve the common problem of being with a mare to assist with foaling.  Horses are especially prone to having problems during delivery.  Many hours have been wasted waiting for the happy event only to have it occur when the attendant is not present.  Now, with BirthAlert, the mare will "beep" you when contractions begin, making sure that you are present to assist if needed.

Although designed for horses, BirthAlert may be used with any medium to large size animal.  The principle of operation is that a small electronic transmitter is inserted into the birth canal several days before the delivery is expected.  The transmitter lays dormant until the first delivery contractions expel it from the birth canal.  The sudden change in temperature causes the transmitter to alert a receiver that then transmits a beep message to the attendant.  Optional automatic phone dialers are available so that your mother-to-be can contact you anywhere.

BirthAlert sells for $1,850.00 in its basic form.  Optional disposable items are available at reasonable prices.  Saving one newborn or one mother more than pays for your investment in BirthAlert.  Many users consider being able to sleep at night, knowing that mother will call them when the time comes, is justification enough for BirthAlert.

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