I am dedicating this page to all my wonderful web friends. With out their love and support, I would not have received these awards. These awards are as much yours as they are mine. I thank all from the bottom of my heart.
My Gift to You
Skye's Topsite Extravaganza
This is my very first Topsite Award.
Received for December
Top 20 Award For January
Rancherboys TopSite Contest
This is a GIF for signing up with Rancherboys TopSite. Thank You Rancherboy
J Birds Topsite Contest
Thanks JBird
No awards yet but I am hanging in there.
Background by:
Lavenderxena's Backgrounds
Midi courtesy of:
Tboobs Linkable Midi
Boogie On Home
Copyright@ RoseLuvnLady 2000-2001