Welcome to Xeno-Tales!

Pink-mooned world with mud-
brown sea and apricot sky,
you remain nameless.--TeddiRose

Comforting sounds of
gravity generators
pulsate through the ship.--tars

Mars's craggy landscape:
blazing sun and deep shadows;

Stars, shining brightly,
twinkling through the ages,
what wonders you are!--StarRoses

Planets circling,
traversing the galaxies,
what things have you seen?--StarRoses

Where the Present meets the Future
and becomes the inchoate Past.
The imminent instant
of impending yesterday.
The precursor of all times-yet-to-be.
Where the Now and the Then touch.
The future will inexorably come,
The Present cannot stay.--tars2193

The last guitarist
on Earth searches rubble for
a "B" string, desperate.--tars 41988

Arrakis, worms are
your secret strength, and so Spice
must flow, not water.--TeddiRose 41899

'Thopters rise above
the bled,lifting sandcrawlers
up, out of harm's way.

Ochre seabottoms
and scarlet sward: the Tharks
have found you, John."Sak!"--tars 41899

Want food, but get paste.
Here too long--want to get home.
I'm a space jockey. --tars 1999
