The Lady's
House of Shadows

Entry Way

Good day.. And welcome.. It's so nice you chose to visit me, in my House of Shadows.. But first let me introduce myself and explain my little world for a moment before we continue on this little tour. I am the Lady StarShadow. You will find that the shadows in this house aren't dark shadows, but shadows filled with love, light and deams. I do hope that dear Ambrai has been a good host thus far and has shown you the yard. ~Smile~

Within my house you will find many areas of interest. I have given each interest a room. To navigate through my magickal domain, you will need to leave each room, using the back button I have provided and that will transport you to the main house, so that you may click on another window. There will also be a home button that will take you to The Retreats main page. And you will also find a drop down link button on every page so that if you decide to leave to visit other areas of the retreat you may do so.. I do hope you don't find my house of shadows hard to navigate through, though..

And please do not touch the graphics. If you would like a set of your own, please visit the sites that I got them at and read their Terms!! Now on with the tour..

If you find any bad links
just let me know..Thanks!!


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The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

This border and the buttons are from Shawna...Stop by and see the pretty backgrounds sets she has created!

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