Bios of the "Detention" Characters
Here are the bios of the 8 "Detention" kids (and their teacher). I'm
gonna start with the "official" WB blurb on the characters, and then follow
it up with what I think of them.
| Shareena | Emmitt |
Duncan | Gug |
Jim | Shelly |
The Twins | The Teacher
Description: Black hair, butterfly hair clips, black shirt with
purple heart shape on it, purple tights, black boots.
Voice by: Tara Charendorff, now Tara Strong (Baby Dil on Rugrats, Bubbles
on The Powerpuff Girls)
What the WB's got to say about her:
Smart and independent, Shareena refuses to be part of the brainless
"in-crowd" at Benedict Arnold Middle School. She'd rather read a book or
explore being an individual (doesn't everyone look better in black?) than
hang at the mall.
With her well-meaning parents smiling their way through their fantasy
"Leave It To Beaver" world, and school cramping her free spirit, Shareena
finds freedom of expression in her diary. Here's her latest entry...
Date: Any day, any time...(does it really matter?)
Dear Diary:
What is the meaning of life? Okay, so you don't know either. But I have
other questions. Why is the music of Belly Flop so incredibly cool? I mean,
they are so COOL! And am I doomed for eternity to be trapped in a world that
doesn't understand me? Those kids at school - the "in-crowd" - I mean, if
that's "in" then count me "out"! And finally, why is Miss Kisskillya so
cosmically mean? Maybe the fact she dresses like she's still in the Marines
is a clue...THAT'S IT! She's a prisoner of society's rigid conventions and
needs to free her mind! I think I'll tell her that tomorrow....
So goodbye for now, diary. I'll write again, unless Miss Kisskillya
kills me for suggesting she'd look totally great in black.
Yours in confusion,
My thoughts:
Well, she IS smart -- sometimes even more than the twins (who're just
plain book savvy). She's also the main character on the show (the only
purpose of which is so her name's at the top of the voice credits). Looks
like she also advocates dressing in black. (I mean, look at her clothes!
Nothing but black and a couple shades of purple.) She's also got that
cutey looking face. She almost looks like she could be an "Addams Family"
reject... She's also got a pig that follows her around in some eps too.
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Description: Bit of blonde hair, red shirt with alien design on it,
black pants, black shoes.
Voice by: Billy West (aka Fry in Futurama)
What the WB's got to say about him:
When your last name is Roswell (as in weird dead aliens and a small town
in New Mexico), it's hard NOT to be a conspiracy theorist. And when you're
in Middle School, it's doubly hard to believe there's no conspiracy against
Emmitt Roswell buys into both theories, maybe because he spends too much
time on the Internet and has watched way too many episodes of "The X-Files."
Although school often bores him, Emmitt's a technological genius who spends
his spare time building alien-detecting devices out of common junk. And even
though none of the kids at Benedict Arnold Middle School believe him, Emmitt
HAS received some messages from aliens. Here's the latest (translated from
the QXTRYPWCVlian language):
Probes have detected IMMINENT DANGER to friends of planet QXTRYPWCV ....
big, fat, mean, angry, female instructional agent who loves gymnasiums, the
Marines, rules and "detention" (not sure of meaning) detected in Earth
sector. DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT perform any rule-breaking acts that will land
earthling in "detention." If message received too late...VERY SORRY, but can
not help (we're afraid of her too).
My thoughts:
Well, every school's gotta have a wacky dude, and this character
obviously fits this bill. Look at the repeated refs to "The X-Files"...
You'd think if this show'd ran long enough he'd probably
have gotten abducted or something... As it stands, he's a pretty wacky guy,
always thinking about either spies or aliens or all that stereotypical
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Description: Tan skin, blue cap, glasses, blue-green shirt, black pants,
black shoes, yellow yo-yo in one hand.
Voice by: Bob Doucette (the series' creator -- and that's not actually
him speaking, that's the yo-yo)
What the WB's got to say about him:
If Miss Kisskillya had the sense God gave a goose, she'd wish every
detention student was like Duncan. He never speaks. But his yo-yo...Man! Now
that thing can really communicate.
Duncan's the quiet type the kids don't really notice, but years from
now, once he becomes a zillionaire yo-yo king, they'll probably all claim he
was their best friend. You doubt it? Well, just read this letter Duncan
recently received:
To: Duncan Bubble
From: Yo-Yo Universal Congomerate Limited Inc.
Date: Today
Subject: You
Dear Mr. Bubble:
In this world of ups and downs, we find your dedication to the yo-yo
inspiring. Despite the scorn of your peers - and your persecution at the
hands of someone calling herself "Miss Kisskillya" - you've still got the
world on a string. In appreciation for your efforts, we're sending you this
check for $100,000,000,000.00. All we ask is that you agree to continue to
promote the use of the yo-yo until the end of time or until Miss Kisskillya
gets married-whichever comes first.
Yours in yo-yoing,
Mr. Yoyo
President, Yo-Yo Universal Congomerate Limited Inc.
My thoughts:
No offense to Duncan, but he's so silent and so reliant on his yo-yo for
"communication", you'd wonder if he's actually a mute guy. His yo-yo has been
known to get the others (sometimes even himself) out of bad jams. Plus he
can even spell words out with it (It even has a voice too! Weird, huh?).
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Description: Brown hair, dark skin, bucked teeth, white shirt with
aquamarine sleeves, and (again!) black pants and shoes. Oh yeah, he's the
shortest of the group too.
Voice by: Carlos Alazraqui (Rocko of Rocko's Modern Life, the "Yo
quiero Taco Bell" dog, and the rat from CatDog)
What the WB's got to say about him:
Think you've got problems? Try being Gug, the youngest and only boy from a large Latino family (six sisters, one Gug). Then tack on the fact that you're small for your age. But Gug makes the best of it by being the most aggressive and competitive half-pint to ever walk the halls of Benedict Arnold Middle School. Miss Kisskillya? Bring her on! The only way she can win is if she falls on him. In Gug's Hall of Fame, she isn't even in the running.
Napoleon Bonaparte - ruler of the world
(for a while anyway)
- Mini Me - co-ruler of the world with Dr. Evil
- Tom Thumb - ruler of fingers one through five
(and still is!)
- Leprechauns - REALLY SHORT, but rich! If that pot-of-gold story is
- Gug Gugliamo - Also really short - but hey, you gotta problem with
My thoughts:
The ethnic guy most toon shows have had to have in recent years. He
speaks with a really stereotypical Hispanic accent ("Thees steenks" he
often says). Not that I've got much thoughts about him... And unlike other
guys, we hardly hear his last name... (Heck, he's credited here
without his last name!)
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Description: Reversed yellow cap with a bit of grey hair popping out,
light green shirt, dark green shorts, black shoes (what is it with black
shoes on this show?)
Voice by: Roger Eschbacher (one of the writers for "Histeria")
What the WB's got to say about him:
With Miss Kisskillya constantly in your face, who wouldn't want to escape
into a fantasy world? Shy kid Jim Kim does just that every chance he gets.
A steady diet of comic books starring cool - and really un-shy - superheroes
gives Jim plenty of personas to choose from, but Jim sometimes gets carried
away...the result: DETENTION!
Jim especially likes playing Batman, and casting Miss Kisskillya in the role
of his arch-nemesis. In fact, Jim's so into his fantasy world that he often
gets confused. Here's his essay on "What I did on my summer vacation."
My Summer Vacation - by Jim "Batman" Kim
Mowed lawns in the neighborhood for money. Saved the world from the evil
clutches of the Not-Really-Very-Funny Joker, a really mean gym teacher who
loves detention.
Taught my dog some really neat tricks. Rescued students held in Middle
School by the Two-Ton Penguin -not a bird, but a really mean gym teacher who
loves detention.
Read books on how not to be so shy. Thwarted the plans of the Queen of
Stupid Riddles, a really mean gym teacher who loves detention and who was
torturing 12-year-olds by making them exercise.
Bought lots of really cool comic books.
My thoughts:
Really funny comic (excuse the pun) relief. He often cites comic books
about why a plan he thought up will work, or sometimes about how the current
situation is similar to what he's read before. He even QUOTES comic books.
Examples: He once refered to someone during a school play as a "green lantern"
(it was Hamlet, and he was supposed to say "a green girl") and he often said
"Up, up and away!".
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Description: Red beret, red hair, dots for eyes, freckles, scout uniform, and
once again, black shoes.
Voice by: Pamelyn Ferdin (Older TV viewers will remember her as the girl
from "The Odd Couple", while some kids might have heard her -- she was the
girl from the animated film "Charlotte's Web")
What the WB's got to say about her:
Teacher's pet, goody-two-shoes, incredibly annoying---call her what you
will, Shelley Kelly's way too happy and cheerful to mind. Shelley absolutely
LOVES school: the rules, the rigid organization, the chance to "serve" her
fellow students by monitoring the halls. And who else would so proudly wear
that nerdy Ladybug Scout uniform every single day?
Shelley's so darned organized, she's already made a list of the dream
jobs she plans to pursue once she finishes school:
Shelley Kelley's Top Five Dream Jobs
(in alphabetical order)
- Professional Hall Monitor
(already have lots of experience!)
- Professional Ladybug Scout Leader
- Professional Organizer
(any field)
- Professional Rule Book Writer
- Professional Volunteer
(as long as there's a neatly pressed uniform involved!)
My thoughts:
She's so plain annoying. She really looks like that girl from "Johnny
Bravo". She's got this weird cutey sounding voice that gets annoying after
listening to it for a while. Could be why everyone was cheering upon finding
out that she missed the plane they were on in one ep.
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Description: Both: really big glasses, brown skin, big lips (no one else
has them), black hair, one very big ponytail, WHITE shoes (though those are
probably just the front), not to mention traces of developing breasts (not
meaning to be obscene of course), as well as a really big nose.
Lemonjella: Purple and yellow scrunchie, yellow shirt, baggy purple pants.
Orangejella: Purple and orange scrunchie, purple shirt, baggy orange pants.
Voice by: Real-life twins Tia Mowry (Lemonjella) and Tamera Mowry
(Orangejella) of the WB sitcom "Sister Sister" (also sisters of another TV
brainy -- Tahj Mowry, T.J. on "Smart Guy")
What the WB's got to say about them:
You think it's easy being a genius? Think again. Identical twins Lemonjella
and Orangejella have got brains to spare, but that doesn't keep them out of
trouble, or out of Miss Kisskillya's detention hall. But even though the
girls are brainiacs, they're far from nerds. In fact, they're both on the
cutting edge of fashion and have loads of friends.
But being a twin isn't easy either. These sisters compete and squabble
about everything. Of course they do: Orangejella's into Pop Culture, the
latest bands, fashion magazines and wrestling; Lemonjella digs Shakespeare,
museums and opera. And it's been that way since day one. On file in the
office of Benedict Arnold Middle School is a letter from the girls' nursery
school teacher, Mrs. Pattycake:
To Whom It May Concern:
It is with great joy that I graduate Lemonjella and Orangejella from the
Pattycake School of Tiny Learning. With their sky-high I.Q.s, the sisters
are sure to succeed. However, some words of warning to future teachers...
- SEPARATE them at all times! They love to argue, and since you can't tell
them apart it's hard to play referee;
- Don't even try to tell them what to do. Under the word "bossy" in the
dictionary, there's a picture of them; and, finally,
- Don't turn your back for a minute. Remember: they're smarter than you
are...a LOT smarter!
I wish you all the very best of luck!
Mrs. Pattycake
My thoughts:
TV cartoons have an obsession for twins (identical or no). I mean, look
at He Man and She Ra, or maybe Phil and Lil (of Rugrats), who are arguably
the most successful pairs of toon twins ever. And hey, a school's GOT have
to have brainies... I pretty much relate to them -- hey, I'm a non-nerdy
brainy who always gets into trouble, and so are the twins... Not
surprisingly they're my favorites on the show. (Probably helps that my sign
is Gemini...) They might have to compete with Shareena when it comes to
common sense smartness, but unlike Shareena, they use big words George W.
Bush wouldn't understand. Heck, they can even spell them correctly.
They also seem to often think the same (hey, they're twins!) and often say
the same thing in unison, creating a cool-sounding "blended" voice. Only
problem: Is it just me, or does using the Mowry twins seem to be more of a
publicity stunt? The Mowrys are the most well known stars among the show's
cast (who are comprised mostly of voice artists anyway). And of course, we
all know how cartoons have the tendency to use the same voice artist for
identical twins. Also I've never seen the twins get into the arguments the
WB blurb claims they do (or even their contrasting tastes) ... And before
anyone asks, their names are pronounced with stress on the second syllable,
thus: erRONNjihla and lehMONNjihla.
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Description: Black hair, really stereotypical "evil teacher" face,
military outfit, military green skirt, black high heels. Oh yeah, she's
also fat.
Voice by: Kathleen Freeman (Oldest member of the "Detention" cast, at
the age of 80 -- was big time comedienne way back in the 50s... Died
in August 2001 at the age of 82)
What the WB's got to say about her:
Before becoming a gym teacher and official detention monitor at Benedict
Arnold Middle School, Miss Kisskillya served in the Marine Corps. Big
surprise, huh?
But believe it or not, Miss Kisskillya was once a kid too. In fact, when
she was 12 years old she won an essay contest sponsored by the Bored of
Education. Her topic: "If I Ruled the World."
"If I Ruled the World" by Miss Kisskillya
If I ruled the world...There'd be a whole lot more rules, and I'd get to
make them. School would start at O600 hours and end after dark. My favorite
class - Gym - would be five hours long. All students would wear uniforms.
They could choose their own, as long as it was one from a branch of the
Armed Forces. Making jokes, especially fat jokes, would be punishable by 40
hours of detention. And finally, every wimpy, smart-mouthed kid that calls
me fat would have to do 500 push-ups and shine my shoes before the first
Okay, I know this is just a crazy, impossible fantasy, but've
got to have a dream!
My thoughts:
Eugenia's (yes, that's her first name) stilt towards the military
behavior gives her a sort of seriously funny touch to the show. And she's
as cold as the military -- she once docked the twins because their partners
flunked their health assigment (granted, it was a "group" assignment). She
also once docked them because Lemonjella butted in during Orangejella's turn
at a spelling bee. Now that's cold! She's also got a (last) name with second
syllable stress thus: kihSKILLea.
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