All Grown Up! @ Nicktoon Snark
Truth or Consequences
by SpiderBraids

Commercials, and note to Nick: you'd better stop advertising snack foods, because I can tell they're unhealthy. Heck, I question even some of the supposedly healthy breakfast cereals you seem to be plugging. How about you advertise stuff like that "Let's Just Play" thing you've got going more often? So upon returning, the brothers are watching some of the "cinema vertile" (whatever the heck that means) Tommy's just filmed, and Phil and Lil will apparently be getting sneaky and changing Phil's grade. Dil's reaction: "I dunno, I kinda miss the aliens." Tommy's thoughts: "Look out Marty C., Tommy Pickles is in the house." Time to do some more filming, then...

School copying room. Phil's changing his grade, and can't help but wonder "I wonder what Dil would be like if we never dropped him on his head?" And I can't help but wonder where I heard it before [Rugrats, "All Growed Up"]. Well, certainly he wouldn't be putting a book an a fishing pole thingy and walking on his hands past the copying room like he's doing now... and shouldn't the twins be worried about the vice-principal catching them there? Meanwhile, guess who's taping the above? Yep, Tommy.

Speaking of the vice principal, Dil is no good at his word association test. Tomorrow, he's going to "see the people responsible for [his] existence", and knocks the door down for Dil to leave. This is supposed to be funny, right? Again, it's all on Tommy's tape.

And next, it's Chuckie playing drums, and Kimi watching Dummi Bears. Now, I find no shame in a pre-teen like her watching a show geared for 3-4 year olds. I'm in college now, and I watch the BBC show Tweenies whenever I can. On the other hand, crummy drumming? "It's important to encourage kids even if they have no natural ability whatsoever"... uh, yeah. Whatever floats your boat, Didi Pickles.

Okay, the brothers are now watching the footage he's just filmed. Dil's not so sure about the idea. Personally, I wouldn't like it if I found out my private humiliating moments were being filmed. I know I've done humiliating things too often, and I would not want anyone rubbing it in. However, Dil loves the fact that Tommy's "risking life long friendships for [his] art." Dil, you can't really have it both ways here... Meanwhile, he gives a sermon about Van Gogh cutting off his ear for his art, and concludes with this: "An artist gotta do, what an artist gotta do." Hey, haven't I heard a similar line to this before so often [Rugrats]?

Later on, Angelica's going to check the tape to see if she's been lit properly. Dil is rushing to make sure she doesn't see it. Next thing you know, Dil is tied up in a chair while Angelica is watching herself talk about Savannah's party. Her reaction: "Savannah can't see this! I'll never get an invite to the party I wouldn't be caught dead at." So, you don't want to go to Savannah's party... and yet you're concerned that you won't be getting an invitation to it. ...So what's your problem, Flo? Besides, you should be more concerned about no one wanting to be caught dead at your party [All Grown Up!, "Lucky 13"].

OK, now she's showing the contents of the tape to the others. The Finsters having a petty argument, and Susie saying "I didn't think there was anything worse that Angelica's singing. Until I saw her act!" No kidding there Susie... Angelica has been painted as the zero-talent of the group. Chuckie does not seem to mind his drumming being taped... however, everyone else does mind. Kimi sez: "It's defamation of character!"

"Now that I see it on tape, changing a grade almost seems illegal." Um, Earth to Phil? Since when was it not illegal?

Here comes Tommy, and here comes a dive for the tape. And here comes everyone hating Tommy's guts, and here comes Kimi telling him that "the only friend [he's] got" is his stupid camera. Boo-frickin'-hoo. And here comes another ad break. (BTW, as for my Flo reference, I was thinking of the 3rd season of The Amazing Race, won by a whiny chick named Flo and her boyfriend Zach.)

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