This page is for anyone who (for some reason) wants to know more about me. Here is a basic description of me physically.

I'm a big sports fan also -- in high school I played football, cross country running, track and field, soccer, and tennis -- but my favorite was wrestling. I suppose because that was the sport which I was really good at. I graduated from Dalton High School, but I also spent three years at Riverside Military Academy. Well, I'm currently living in Dalton, GA for no particular reason. I move around a lot, so don't be too upset that I'm so far away, cause chances are I'll be your next door neighbour someday. One of my favorite things to do is chat in L'Hotel Chat. Be sure to take advantage of the best backdoor on the net! I used to be a Gossip reg, but now I just try to find an open room on the 4th floor. Come by and say howdy, I'm hard to miss.


Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange