Dominica Trees

Dominica abounds with beautiful trees, many of tem bearing edible fruit. Among these: almond, banana, breadfruit, coconut, grapefruit, mango, papaya, passionfruit, plantain, soursop. Many others contribute leafy or floral splendor or useful wood ranging from bamboo to mahogany. Banboo, banana and sugar cane, while tree height, are actually grasses but are included here.

This banyan tree is at the Botanical Gardens in the hills above Roseau, the capital. It's the size of a small forest. Ruth and Mervin Ferrol, son of our friends and hosts and our guide for a day, are standing a boulder inside this single tree.

This baobab tree is at also the Botanical Gardens in the hills above Roseau, the capital. It fell on a (fortunately) empty school bus during a hurricane, but lives on. Baobabs store water in their trunks. This one's trunk was easily 6 feet (2 m) in diameter. I'm standing on it just to provide a visual scale.

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