S.B.H.S. Prom '98
"Jungle Boogie"
(Photo Credits: Jessica Sesera & Stephanie Krause)

Jess, with the sunset at her back, and a bit of parsley in her teeth... (hee hee)

(Jeff ordered crab... Just look at that face...)

And who ever said I wasn't a sweet girl? (Mmm... lemon...)

Adam... dun da da da... "MEAT-MAN!!"

After dinner, from Mona's we walked down to Burlington's Waterfront and watched the sun set.

Then we asked a stranger to take our picture for us.

Nora and I (finally) at the Ballroom at the Sheraton,
testing the "poofiness" of each of our dresses.
(Looks like a scene from The King & I, according to Jess)

The Lovely Ladies at the ball...
(Misty, Stephanie, Nora
& Jess)

And the guys... You insane freaks you.
(Jeff, Ray, Nick
& Adam)

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