I am just getting started on this, I will be adding more to it as time goes on.

The life of a Truck Drivers Wife

This is Tim and his new truck, a 1999 Freightliner.

This is the first truck a 1994 Freightliner Classic, that he drove for this compnay.

First I would like to say Hi and thanks for stopping by..... I am the wife of an Over the Road Truck Driver, we have been married for 7 years now and we have 3 beautiful children, Brittany age 7, DJ age 5 and Casie age 4. Being a wife of a truck driver is not always an easy life. Trying to raise the kids, take care of the house, fix the broken toilet, work (as if all that isn't enough work already) but I work right out of our home doing child care so I can be home with our kids, and to have time for yourself is just about out of the question. I think the hardest thing about him being gone all the time is the kids, "I miss Daddy" and "When is Daddy coming home?" and when you have to look into them tear filled eyes and tell them not for a few days. And there are the nights like tonight that all you do is worrie. But like my mom has always told me "Grin and Bear it".

But then there is the lighter side to it all. The kids and I have our ways of doing things. Some days all we want for lunch is a TV dinner or a peanut butter and jelly. There are days that dishes don't get done, or toys don't get picked up, or a day or 2 that the legs don't get shaved, But then when that phone call comes in and says I will be home in a hour, boy do things get done quick.

The kids and I have gone on many trips with Tim in the truck. The first time we went was when DJ was a baby, he was 2 months old, so there was the 4 for us in a Cab-Over, single bunk Freightliner, with 2 car seats. When we started the trip down to Mississippi we had one car seat in the passanger seat and the other one bunggie straped to the dog house, and good ole mom got to sit in the bunk all the down there. But after a day of that mom got kinda crabby, so we got some more bunggie straps and straped one of the seats into the bunk. That was one wild trip, thought we would only be gone for a few days and it ended up being 7 days. We were just going to go to Mississippi then come back home, well we ended up having to go to Texas then back to Mississippi then we finally got to come home. I think that was one of the longest weeks of my life. I was never so happy to see my own bed.

Yes there were many times that I really wished I had not gotten into that truck but now looking back it was a lot of fun....One summer we went with him almost every week and finally I had to say that was it the kids and I needed to stay home, we got home on Saturday and he talked to his dispatch and found out that he had a load going to Colorado, I heard that and said okay one more week, that is where I have always wanted to go, so the next day we loaded up again and headed west. At this time he had a double bunk Kenworth so we had a little bit more room, thank God we did cause mama is getting fat, I was about 5 months pregnant with our third child. So now we are making alot more pit stops....

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