Join SPMK!
Why Join?
That's an easy one. Mikey needs us! *smile*
The Mission Statement
To protect Mikey's person, emotions and reputation against all who would threaten them. Don't worry - we're not militant. *smile* We're just very protective of Mikey.
What Do I Get?
Joining will do the following things:
- Add you to the membership rolls : Don't worry, only I see these.
- Entitles you to a place in the SPMK Ring, whether or not your site has anything to do with Mikey or H:LotS.
- Entitles you to the SPMK Sticker.
- Gives you the right to contribute to the SPMK web page through the SPMK Master (that's me). E-mail me for more info on this.
- Gives you the right to post your fiction on the SPMK Members Fiction page. Just e-mail me either the text of the story or the link to the story.
- Entitles you to membership in the SPMK Members Mailing List. ML (Mailing List) membership is entirely voluntary and in no way impacts on SPMK membership (you don't have to be on the list to be in the SPMK). This is a get to know you list - nothing is off topic. Please note that the SPMK ML has moved to onelist. The URL to join will be mailed out with your welcome to the SPMK.
How Do I Join?
Joing SPMK is easy. All you have to do is e-mail the SPMK Master - that's me - at and ask to join.
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