KennysKrib Closing Down 1/31/99
For those who heard about the original maker of the South Park Wrestlers well hes closing down here is what he left on his web page
. . . Is this truely the end?
"I hate to get on these tangents. Tonight I
announced that Kenny's Krib was closing, since
then I've received several hundred emails
begging me not to close up shop. Some of the
biggest suprise emails were from The Hell Hole
and SP Top50, big sites asking me not to shut
down and that they would help support the site.
I was pretty taken to see the largest SP site
caring about Kenny's Krib.
First off, I know that some of you out there
are going to say that I quit because of other
sites out there with their own SPWrestler
graphics, you couldn't be further from the truth,
I don't even have any of those sites
I got tired of drawing my characters a long
time ago. I used to draw them because it was
fun, lately I've been drawing them to shut
people up.
I'm really tired of getting crap mail from half
of the people on AOL griping that I haven't
updated when it's AOL causing the problems. As
far as I'm concerned, AOL can go screw itself.
I've really had it with AOL. Do yourself a favor
and get a real ISP.
I've had it with getting email where shitheads
are griping at me about not updating. It's my
site, I'll update when and if I want.
I'm tired of marks flooding my email with
demands on who I should move where because
they're too dumb to see through an angle (i.e.
Chyna in Corp.)
The next time somebody emails me and says
that my site is getting "Crappy" because I don't
update everyday, you're liable to get nuked.
This site has been fun, but I'm really gonna
get screwed on taxes this year. Kenny's Krib
will remain posted on the net. I may not
update for several months, but when I do, there
will be changes. I'm going to have to get rid of
all profitable parts of the site (i.e. merchandise
& sponsors) and some parts of the site will not
I will no longer post video clips or music clips
of any kind.
I will not tell you how to make these
characters, I've been stabbed in the back
too many times... you know who you are.
Don't even write me asking how to draw
anything, I won't answer you.
Sorry that it's come to all of this, but I feel like
I'm about to have a nervous breakdown over
this site and frankly it's not worth it."
Jonathan Shroyer
Webjunkie ><
Well let me just say that I knew that this was going to happen because people make web sites based on his work and they dont bother to even give credit to him and then they get pissed when he doesnt update.. There trying to gain fame off of his web site and I am personally pissed about it. Atleast We linked his web site on the main page. He is the God of internet South Park Wrestling. There are people on the web "who claim" they made those wrestlers, and thats another thing that pisses me off. All i know is that the Whiney little 10 year olds better Shut the F*ck up about how he doesnt update for your Little Gay wrestling Feds.. Then all these people go out and waste money on buying Corel Draw 8 just so they can copy his work. It was his original idea to make those wrestlers. So next time remember if you didnt make the work please link back to them and say on your site i didnt make this work.
Chef Aid
This has just come out recently be sure to pick yourself up a copy it sounds good
or else if your good this holiday Santa Will bring you a copy
Confirmed Movie News
This news is absolutely confirmed by a number of sources included
Cinescape, Insider, and the New York Times.
According to Parker and Stone the script for the R-rated South
Park: The Movie has been turned in. Production is set to begin
some time in August with a possible release date in March or
April next year, probably prior to the release of the Star
Wars prequels.
In January, in an interview with Variety and the creators,
Parker told Variety "We would only do (a movie) if we could
make it R-rated. The Beavis and Butthead movie was just a
movie-length version of the TV show. We'd want something
different than that."
Recently, speaking with Cindy Pearlman for The New York Times
Stone promises that the movie "will take it to the next level.
It's not just one long episode."
Evidently, it is obvious that the movie will be a lot more
edgier than already shown in the Comedy Central hit TV show.
Parker, in his Variety in January interview used the
foul-mouthed short-film, The Spirit of Christmas as the
quality benchmark for any South Park.
Parker and Stone will be doing voices and co-producing the
movie along with friend Scott Rudnin, who worked with the pair
on Fuzzies. As for the name of the picture, South Park: The
Movie is believed to be the dominant if not the official after
Paramount secured the domain early in June.
More NEWS coming soon