Galland was born on March 19 1912 in Westerhold, Germany. In the Spanish
Civil War Galland flew a total of 300 missions. He commanded the 3 J/88
fighter-bomber squadron equipped with He-51 fighter-bombers. The 3 J/88
Squadron was known as the Mickey Mouse Squadron. In the future it would
become his personal symbol. Galland Distinguished himself in the Asturias,
Teruel, and Ebro River fronts. In the September of 1939 Adolf Galland participated
in the first attack on the Polish infantry.
Galland first made his mark during the Battle of Britain as one of the
leading aces while commanding Jaggeschwader 26. In the Battle of Britain
Galland destroyed over 100 aircraft. Galland became the second Luftwaffe
pilot to be awarded the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds.
Then in the November of1941 Galland was appointed commander of the Fighter
Arm of the Luftwaffe.
year later he was promoted Major General and became the youngest general
in the German Armed forces at the age of 30. He used his knowledge gained
in combat to direct the German fighter defense against the allied bombers.
Despite his efforts to improve the tactical and the technical proficiency
of his pilots, Adolf Galland was neverless blamed for the eventual collapse
of the Fighter Arm. He was relieved of his command on the January of 1945
but allowed to return to combat duty. Galland was then put in command of
the Jagdverband 44, or the “Squadron of Experts” which flew the new jet-powered
Me-262 fighters. He brought some of the most famous and expert pilots from
his fighter Arm to the J.V. 44.
After the war, Galland served as the technical advisor
to the Argentinean Air Force for 6 years, and eventually returned to Germany
to become an industrial consultant. At one time, Galland was even considered
a likely candidate for the new West German air force. On February 9th 1996
Adolf Galland died at the age of 83 in Oberwinter, Germany.
Hauptmann: 1st of October 1930
Major: 18th of July 1940
Oberstleutnant: 1st of November 1940
Oberst: 4th of December 1940
General Major: December of 1942
Generalleutnant: November of 1944
Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds: 6th of June 1939
Iron Cross: 18th of July 1940
Knights Cross: 1st August 1940
Knights Cross-with Oak Leafs: 25th September 1940
Knights Cross-with Oak Leafs and Swords: 26th of June
Knights Cross-with Oak Leafs, Swords, and Diamonds: 28th
January 1942