Okay, we know there isn't many members yet, but it's really fun! If you haven't joined already, please join! We now have a Vice President, Lila! Congratulations.


In order of joining:

Jessica Wakefield - Jess

Elziabeth Wakefield - Liz

Michelle - Lila

Alicia - Lila 2

Rebecca - Enid

Lindsey - Lila 3

Sarah - Billie

Kristin - Lila 4

Lila - Issabella

Seraphina - Lila 5

Amy - Lila 6

Peter Michael - ?

Marina - ?

Lana - Nina

If your Club name isn't right, e-mailus and tell us what it is. Or, if your name isn't here, it's okay. we just haven't had time to update this page!!


Jessica - President, editor, publicist

Elizabeth - President, editor, freelance

Lila - Vice President and Personal Profiler Enid - Dear Enid column. Send Dear Enids to her(i.e advice you need on boys, clothes etc)

Lila 2 - E-pal matcher. If you would like an e-pal who is in our out of the club, send your intrests, name and e-mail address to Lila and she will match you with someone of the same intrests. Wait up to one month for that person's e-mail address, because she has to wait for other people to send their intrests in, too.

Lila 4 - INFOSeeker

Nina - TV Plot Synopsis Writer

There aren't many jobs taken, so all the more reason for you to apply for one! Send an e-mail with Job in the subject line and your clubname in the message, and we will send you a list of jobs,a and instructions on how to apply for one!