Member Poll and Quiz

Where would a Sweet Valley page be without a poll? Well, this poll(for members only) is....


If SVU wins the poll, then we will incorporate SVU into the club, and this site. Send you answer and club name to us a.s.a.p!

If you think you have a good topic for a Sweet Valley based poll, send it to us, and you will gain 5pts. Or, if you can't be bothered sending it, leave a message on the message board!


For club members only.

Every question right scores you 5pts. The people who get 50pts(i.e get all the questions right) will be included in this month's Oracle. A new quiz end of September.

Sorry about this(if you know HTML for a form, can you please tell us), but can you please cut and paste the following into an e-mail.


Club Name:

1)In the book Promises, who was in the drawing that worried Jessica so much?

2)In Double Love, who is Jessica's best-friend?(Hint: She leaves in #83)

3)Who writes the SVH series?

4)What is the name of the first SVU book?

5) How does Liz get drunk in a Night to Remember?

6)Who almost date-rapes Lila Fowler?

7)On what book does photographs of Cynthia and Brittany Daniels first appear?

8)Who is older Jess or Liz?

9)In book #14, who does Jessica con into changing her grade via computer?

10) Who said this "No, I'm not Jessica. I'm Elizabeth(Hint: she makes a comeback in another book)

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