You can find pictures of me 'n my friends ... in various poses :)

This is me
This picture was taken in some shopping arcade around 1994, if I remember right. But I'vent changed much in all these years (except for the matter of an increase in girth) so its good enough :)

Myself, Nitin & Vikram
This picture was taken in Jan 1995 on the occassion of iGALATA '95 where we all had great fun with gaana bajaana & khaana peena !

iGalata '95 again
Another picture from iGalata '95 with my friends Madhavan and Nitin, an NTU prof and me in the distant background

This picture was taken in July 1996 when we all went to the beach @ Singapore and had a whale of a time. Seen in the pic are an assortment of the kind of species you'd find in NTU, seniors, somophores, juniors and freshers !

The future !! :)
Yea .. the future :)

The past !!
She's gettin married soon :( Deeeched me !! :(
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