Saddle Up Quiz Page

Welcome to the Saddle Up Quiz Page, here's your choice of horse quizes:
Name These
Saddlery Quiz
Horse Words
Vet Quiz
Jumping and Schooling Quiz
Stable Management Quiz
Dressage Quiz
What Should You Do?

Name These

1. Three breeds of a cart horse.

2. Four points of the horse beginning with F.

3. Two varieties of a horses' trot.

4. Another name for the gaskin.

5. Two artificial aids.

6. Three different roans.

7. Eight typical show jumps.

8. Six different colours of horses.

9. Two markings found on the forehead.

10. Three natural aids.

11. Another name for a stallion.

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Saddlery Quiz

1. Name all the parts of an ordinary snaffle bridle.

2. Name the 2 bits in a double bridle.

3. From which metal are good quality stirrups usually made?

4. What is the purpose of a breastplate?

5. What are safety stirrups?

6. Name 3 substances from which a girth can be made.

7. What is the use of a browband?

8. Where should the bit lie in a horses mouth?

9. Should the pommel of the saddle lie on the ponies withers?

10. What is the mildest type of bit?

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Horse Words

a) A horse with pin-toes.
b) A very long whip.
c) A piebald/skewbald horse.

a) The back of the saddle.
b) The man who named the canter.
c) The money paid by the field for hunting.

a) A concentrated feed fed to horses.
b) A wild Australian horse.
c) The name of some famous horse trials.

a) A breed of horses.
b) An animal 1/2 bull, 1/2 pony.
c) A thick hedge which can be jumped through.

a) A show jump.
b) A man who looks after horses at an inn.
c) A lazy horse.

a) A horse that back unevenly.
b) A convex back.
c) A horse that bucks a lot.

a) Medicine
b) A seed from which hay is grown.
c) Seed of flax, often boiled and fed to horses.

a) Medicine poured into a horse mouth.
b) A soaking wet horse.
c) An ill horse.
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Vet Quiz

1. What is the normal temperature of a horse?

2. What should you look for first when checking the health of your horse/pony?
3. What is strangles?
4. Where does lameness usually occur?
5. What are symptons of colic?
6. What is a windgall and where would you find it?
7. What is the most serious type of wound?
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Jumping and Schooling Quiz

1. What are the adis for cantering?
2. How would you change your diagonal trotting?
3. Give 2 reasons why a horse may pull.
4. How far apart should poles be spaced for trotting?
5. What is a disunited canter?
6. When a horse is going over a jump how should the horses head and neck be?
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Stables Management Quiz

1. What is the avantage of keeping a horse/pony in a field?
2. Why do we groom our horses/ponies?
3. Name 4 rules for feeding.
4. Give 4 reasons a pony may need new shoes.
5. What is gruel?
6. What can the lining of a saddle be made from?
7. Why do some people clip their horses?
8. What is a wisp?
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Dressage Quiz

1. How large is a standard small dressage arena?

2. How many letters are there in a small dressage arena? (Including X)

3. Name the 4 different types of the walk.

4. How should a horse stand at the halt?

5. What sort of hat does a Grand Prix rider wear?

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What should you do?

1. Your pony won't jump a fence, should you:
a) Get off and beat him?
b) Give up?
c) Get off and lower the fence?

2. Your horse won't eat his food, should you:
a) Call the vet if he's still not eating in an hour?
b) Take him for a good gallop?
c) Force it down his throat?

3. Your pony carries his head to low, should you:
a) Use your legs to push his head up?
b) Put a martingale on?
c) Ride more circles, making him bend his neck?

4. Your pony won't be led, should you:
a) Turn around and look at him?
b) Tap him with a stick on his neck?
c) Talk to him and keep on walking?

Your horse has a high temperature, should you:
a) Put on more rugs and keep him in the stable?
b) Call the vet?
c) Turn him out and hope he gets better?

You want to keep your horse/pony fit, should you:
a) Give him more to eat?
b) Keep him in the stable?
c) Give him a good hours exercise every day?
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I hope you enjoyed my page, if you have any questions/comments, email ME. This page is © to Sandra Glover 1998. Please ask permssion before any use of graphics or quizes. Clcik HERE to gallop back to Saddle Up!