What is a Cat? and Are you sure you really want one?
- 22% Purring and Cuddling
- 25% Cuteness
- 3% Bad Breath
- 17% Disrespect for your furniture
- 15% Litter Box Odors
- 75% Easier than a dog
- 25% Vet bills
- Takes up 50% less space than the Sunday paper
- 11% Inappropriate Pee and Poops, sometimes missing the box altogether
- 3% Coughed-up fur balls
- 75% foul smelling canned meals
- 3% Violent attacks on your ankles
- 10% Noisy late night annoyance of neighbors
- 100% Chance of kittens if neutering is neglected
- 10% Adorable antics
- 15% Evil intent
- 2% Scratches that bleed and puff up
- 5% Baby bird atrocities
- .05% Brains
- 10% Chance cat will be criminally insane
- .05% Ear mites
- .05% Fleas
- 57% Naps
- Tricks
- Vacuum cleaner is not an agent from Hell
- Its own name