Greetings! And welcome to the Anime Web Graphics Ring Home page!
I formed this Anime Graphics Ring to unite fellow web graphic designers together to provide
a link to follow for new and old web page designers who are looking for graphics for their pages. All sites in this ring must be anime related and offer free web graphics or html help coding!
Please read the following information before submitting your site!
Rules of this Anime Web Graphics Ring
You must add the Anime Web Graphics fragment to your website, preferably to the url in which you list your site in the Anime ring. Failure to add the fragment will result in your site not being added to the ring.
To join this ring your web page must be anime related!
To join this ring your web page must contain an area that offers free web graphics
services be it html coding or graphics (Banners, buttons, transparent gifs,etc).
To join this ring if you offer custom graphics it must be a free service!
When submitting your site you must fill the submitting form out completely.
No hentai related sites will be added!
No sites with nudity, foul language or other things not appropriate for young eyes will be accepted.
If you have been requested to add a site to the ring, please view the requested site to
make sure it follows our rules. If your in doubt, e-mail Sailor Mom and I will view it for you.
If you think your site meets the above,and you agree to the rules please go ahead and fill out the Submit form.
After you filled out the submit form please click here to get your html fragment to add to your web pages.
After you have submitted your request to Anime Web Graphics Ring
you will recieve an e-mail..., but your not yet added into the Ring.
In order to be added to the Ring you must ask Sailor Mom or
another person who's site is in the ring add you. Please when
you ask someone to add your site include your site ID in your E-mail
to them. To see a list of sites in the ring click here.
After your site has been added to the ring you will once again recieve
another e-mail notifying you that your site has been added.
Edit your Information
If you are already in the ring and wish to edit your information
fill out this form:
To add another into the Ring
Once you are a member of the Anime Web Graphics Ring, you will have the power to add other pages to the ring as well. Here's what you do: